地點在資403 時間是6/12下午三點 講者資訊: 中央研究院資訊科學研究所 研究員 國立台灣大學網路與多媒體研究所 合聘教授 影像與圖像學會秘書長 陳祝嵩博士 Abstract: In this talk, I address two issues in content-based retrieval using deep learning: accuracy and efficiency. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown impressive performance on image classification. However, when the feature representations learned by deep CNNs are applied to image retrieval, the performance
繼續閱讀標題:由於5/29(星期一)適端午節調整放假,專題演講暫停一週 內容: 下禮拜一5/29因端午節調整放假,所以演講暫停一週。