106學年度第1學期電子系博士班資格考結果 The Result of the Qualifying Examination for year 2017 , The Fall Semester no 學號 (Student ID) 組別 (Group) 本次應考科目 (Subject) 結果 (Result) 1 1102405108 電信組 Communication & System 工程數學 Engineering Mathematics 不通過 (Fail) 2 1103405121 電子組 Electronic 工程數學 Engineering Mathematics 不通過 (Fail) 3 1103405121 電子組 Electronic 類比積體電路設計 Analog Integrated Circuits Design 通過 (Pass)
繼續閱讀義隆電子, 最近在找人才, 要招募做AI人工智慧的數位IC設計人才, 有修過影像處理, 數位訊號處理課程為佳, 若有興趣, 可以直接連絡 楊武翰 0933-705-672 yangwhtw@gmail.com 工作地點在高雄軟體園區.
繼續閱讀The schedule of the Qualifying Exam. is following. Qualifying Examination Date Date: 2018/01/14 Sunday Examination time is from 0830 a.m. to 1200 a.m. Exam Location:4F Room 403, Electronics Department Time:The first Subject 0830~1010 The Second Subject 1020~1200 Rule: Close Book, 100 min PS:Don’t forget that you just have 3 times to apply the same