Academic year 1 1 0, The Date of the first semester Qualifying Examination The schedule of the Qualifying Exam. is following. Qualifying Examination Date Date: 2022/01/16 Sunday Examination time is from 0820 a.m. to 1230 a.m. Exam Location:8F Room 807, Electronics Department Time:The first Subject 0820~1000 The Second Subject 1020~1200 Rule: Close Book, 100 min
繼續閱讀12/20高市府經發局高副局長演講資訊 演講者姓名:高鎮遠 職稱:高雄市政府經濟發展局/副局長 演講題目:創新城市 數位轉型 日期:110/12/20(一)10:10~12:00 地點:國立高雄科技大學/建工校區/電子工程系 (資訊大樓七樓 資701視聽教室)