丁信文Hsin-Wen Ting - 電子組

英文名字: | Hsin-Wen Ting |
分 機: | 15607 |
電子郵件: | hwting@nkust.edu.tw |
學 歷: | 國立成功大學電機博士(2008) |
專 長: | 積體電路設計與電子電路系統應用 |
英文姓名:Hsin-Wen Ting
[1]微控制器為基礎之類比電路效能評估與智慧應用之探討,110-2221-E-992 -095 -,主持人,2021/08/01~2022/07/31。
[6]多熱點偵測之溫度感應系統與延伸之可測試性技術(II),MOST-105-2221-E-151-064 -,主持人,2016/08/01~2017/08/31。
[9]多熱點偵測之溫度感應系統與延伸之可測試性技術(I),MOST-104-2221-E-151-035 -,主持人,2015/08/01~2016/07/31。
[10]考量積體電路分析方法與測試應用之佈局品質提升技術(I),MOST-103-2221-E-151-058 -,主持人,2014/08/01~2015/08/31。
A. 期刊論文(Journal/Transaction):
[1] Hsin-Wen Ting* and Jia-Hao Li, “A performance evaluation method suitable for characterizing wide types of analog filters,” J. Chin. Inst. Eng., vol. 44, pp. 138–148, Mar. 2021. (SCI, EI)
[2] Hsin-Wen Ting* and Chi-Yuan Chen, “A VLSI on-chip analog high-order low-pass filter performance evaluation strategy,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 67, pp. 621–633, Mar. 2018. (SCI, EI)
[3] Yen-Long Lee, Yu-Po Cheng, Soon-Jyh Chang, and Hsin-Wen Ting, “A fast and jitter-modulation free jitter tolerance estimation technique for bang-bang CDRs,” IEEE Des. Test., vol. 35, pp. 63–73, Feb. 2018. (SCI, EI)
[4] Hsin-Wen Ting*, Chun-Tse Cheng, and Jyun-Tai Kao, “A design and its practical application to the pseudo two-step successive-approximation register analog-to-digital converter with the active charge transfer technique,” J. Chin. Inst. Eng., vol. 40, pp. 514–524, Sept. 2017. (SCI, EI)
[5] I-Jen Chao, Bin-Da Liu, Soon-Jyh Chang, Chun-Yueh Huang, and Hsin-Wen Ting, “Analyses of splitable amplifier technique and cancellation of memory effect for opamp sharing,” IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., vol. 25, pp. 621–634, Feb. 2017. (SCI, EI)
[6] Chun-Po Huang, Hsin-Wen Ting, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “Analysis of non-ideal behaviors based on INL/DNL plots for SAR ADCs,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 65, pp. 1804–1817, Aug. 2016. (SCI, EI)
[7] Hsin-Wen Ting*, “A digital testing strategy for characterizing an analog circuit block,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 65, pp. 1374–1384, June 2016. (SCI, EI)
[8] An-Sheng Chao, Cheng-Wu Lin, Hsin.-Wen. Ting, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “A capacitance-ratio quantification design for linearity test in differential top-plate sampling sar ADCS,” Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl., vol. 43, pp. 1333–1350, Oct. 2015. (SCI, EI)
[9] Hsin-Wen Ting* and Yu-Cheng Lin, “A simple voltage-to-frequency converter with modulated duty cycle,” J. Chin. Inst. Eng., vol. 38, pp. 109–119, Jan. 2015. (SCI, EI)
[10] An-Sheng Chao, Cheng-Wu Lin, Hsin-Wen Ting, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “A low-cost stimulus design for linearity test in SAR ADCs,” IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. 97-C, pp. 538–545, June 2014. (SCI, EI)
[11]Hsin-Wen Ting* and Chi-Ming Hsu, “An overkill detection and disposal suggestion system for improving semiconductor testing,” Int’l J. of Electrical Engineering, vol. 20, pp. 179–187, Oct. 2013. (EI)
[12] I-Jen Chao, Chung-Lun Hsu, Bin-Da Liu, Soon-Jyh Chang, Chun-Yueh Huang, and Hsin-Wen Ting, “A third-order low-distortion delta-sigma modulator with opamp sharing and relaxed feedback path timing,” IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. 95-C, pp. 1799–1809, Nov. 2012. (SCI, EI)
[13] Hsin-Wen Ting*, “Digital-compatible testing scheme for operational amplifier,” J. Electron. Test.: Theory Appl., vol. 28, pp. 267–277, June 2012. (SCI, EI)
[14] Ren-Li Chen, Hsin-Wen Ting, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “Six-bit 2.7-GS/s 5.4-mW Nyquist complementary metal-oxide semiconductor digital-to-analogue converter for ultra-wideband transceivers,” IET Circ. Device. Syst., vol. 6, pp. 95–102, Apr. 2012. (SCI, EI)
[15] Hsin-Wen Ting*, “Improvement of stop-band attenuation for the sallen-key low-pass filter,” Int’l J. of Electrical Engineering, vol. 18, pp. 255–263, Dec. 2011. (EI)
[16] Jin-Fu Lin and Hsin-Wen Ting*, “Digital design-for-diagnosis method for error identification of Pipelined ADCs,” J. Electron. Test.: Theory Appl., vol. 27, pp. 697–709, Dec. 2011. (SCI, EI)
[17] Jin-Fu Lin, Soon-Jyh Chang, Te-Chieh Kung, Hsin-Wen Ting, and Chih-Hao Huang, “Transition-code based linearity test method for pipelined ADCs with digital error correction,” IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., vol. 19, pp. 2158–2169, Dec. 2011. (SCI, EI)
[18] Hsin-Wen Ting*, “An output response analyzer circuit for ADC built-in self-test,” J. Electron. Test.: Theory Appl., vol. 27, pp. 455–464, Aug. 2011. (SCI, EI)
[19] Hsieh-Wei Lee, King-Chu Hung, Bin-Da Liu, Sheau-Fang Lei, and Hsin-Wen Ting, ”Realization of high octave decomposition for breast cancer feature extraction on ultrasound images,” IEEE Trans. Circuit Syst. I, vol. 58, pp. 1287–1299, June 2011. (SCI, EI)
[20] Hsin-Wen Ting*, Soon-Jyh Chang, and Su-Ling Huang, “A design of linearity built-in self-test for current-steering DAC,” J. Electron. Test.: Theory Appl., vol. 27, pp. 85–94, Feb. 2011. (SCI, EI)
[21] Hsin-Wen Ting*, Bin-Da Liu, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “Histogram based testing method for estimating A/D converter performance,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 57, pp. 420–427, Feb. 2008. (SCI, EI)
[22] Hsin-Wen Ting *, Cheng-Wu Lin, Bin-Da Liu, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “Oscillator-based reconfigurable sinusoidal signal generator for ADC BIST,” J. Electron. Test.: Theory Appl., vol. 23, pp.549–558, Dec. 2007. (SCI, EI)
B. 研討會論文(Conference):
[1]吳孟儒、丁信文 (2020年11月)。一種低成本醫療諮詢候診叫號系統。2020 Conference on Photonics and Communications 2020光電與通訊工程應用研討會。
[2]鄧曼翎、丁信文 (2020年6月)。一種32位元中央處理器之設計與探討。2020 18th Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications 第十八屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會 (193–196)。
[3]Hsin-Wen Ting and Chi-Yuan Chen, “Analysis and Discussion of an Analog High-Order Low-Pass Filter Performance Evaluation,” in Proc. 30th VLSI Design/CAD Workshop, Aug. 2019.
[4]李家豪、丁信文 (2019年5月)。全差動運算放大器之電路應用。2019 17th Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications 第十七屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會 (61–63)。
[5]黃騰毅、丁信文 (2019年5月)。五級32位元管線式中央處理器之設計。2019 17th Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications 第十七屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會 (57–58)。
[6]Hsin-Wen Ting and Zi-Tao Wu, “Discussion of a performance estimation strategy for analog filter,” in Proc. 29th VLSI Design/CAD Workshop, Aug. 2018.
[7]Hsin-Wen Ting, “Discussions of an analog low-pass filter evaluation strategy,” in Proc. VLSI Test Technology Workshop, July 2018.
[8]Hsin-Wen Ting, Zi-Tao Wu, Jian-Zhou Yan, and Hsin-Ying Wu, “A segmented resistor-string DAC based stimulus generator for ADC linearity testing,” in Proc. IEEE Int Symp. Next-Generation Electron., May 2018, pp. 1–4.
[9]Chi-Hsien Wu, Jau-Ji Jou, Hsin-Wen Ting, Shao-I Chu, and Bing-Hong Liu “Multi-channel multi-gigabit PRBS generator with a built-in clock in 0.18-μm CMOS technology,” in IEEE Int. SoC Design Conf., Nov. 2017.
[10]Hsin-Wen Ting, Jian-Zhou Yan, Hsin-Ying Wu, Zi-Tao Wu, “A resistor-string digital-to-analog converter based waveform generator,” in Proc. VLSI Test Technology Workshop, July 2017.
[11]Hsin-Ying Wu and Hsin-Wen Ting, “Investigation of 4th-order Butterworth low pass filter circuit to filter heartbeat noises,” in Conf. on Innovation and Technology in Electronics, signal and Communication, May 2017.
[12]Wei-Chih Hsieh and Hsin-Wen Ting, “An example of the design and simulation of the MIPS CPU,” in Conf. on Innovation and Technology in Electronics, signal and Communication, May 2017.
[13]Ngoc-Tu Nguyen, Bing-Hong Liu and Hsin-Wen Ting, “Power grids vulnerability assessment under cascading failures,” in Int. Congress on Eng. and Inform., May 2017.
[14]Hsin-Wen Ting, Chi-Yuan Chen, and Hsiu-An Liu, “A Layout Strategy for Reducing the Random Error of Analog Circuit Blocks,” in IEEE Conf. Green Technology and Sustainable Development, Nov. 2016, pp. 24–27.
[15]Hsin-Wen Ting, “An area allocation strategy based on correlation between components and performance of analog circuit blocks,” in Proc. VLSI Test Technology Workshop, July 2016.
[16]Hsiu-An Liu and Hsin-Wen Ting, “A fast transient low dropout voltage linear regulator design under any ESR of load capacitor,” in Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2016, pp. 95–96.
[17]Chi-Yuan Chen and Hsin-Wen Ting, “Low pass filter design for biomedical applications,” in Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2016, pp.91–93.
[18]Hsin-Wen Ting and I-Ying Wu, “Analysis and design of an 8-bit 100MS/s pipelined analog-to-digital converter,” in Conference on Microelectronics Technology & Applications, May 2015, pp. 97–98.
[19]Kang-Hui Peng, Jau-Ji Jou, Tien-Tsorng Shih, Jian-Chiun Liou, and Hsin-Wen Ting, “Design of 10-Gb/s 4-level pulse amplitude modulation vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode driver in 0.18-μm CMOS Technology,” in National Symposium on Telecommunications, Nov. 2015.
[20]Hsin-Wen Ting and Wei-Chang Tai, “Design and analysis of low dropout regulator,” in Proceedings of Electronic Technology Symposium, May 2014, pp. 261–264.
[21]Hsin-Wen Ting and Jing-Wein Wang, Yu-Chieh Cho, “A simple CPU with the Capability to Compute Trigonometric Function,” in Proceedings of Electronic Technology Symposium, May 2014, pp. 265–268.
[22]Hsin-Wen Ting and Hsiang-Hao Lee, “Design of a switched-capacitor band-pass filter for low frequency application,” in Proceedings of Conference on Microelectronics Technology and Applications, May 2014, pp. 83–84.
[23]Hsin-Wen Ting and Hung-Yeh Yang, “Realization and discussion of carbon monoxide, temperature, and humidity sensor siren,” in Proceedings of Conference on innovation and technology in Electronics, signal and communication, May 2014, pp. 92.
[24]Hsin-Wen Ting, “A simple testing structure for analog circuits,” in Proc. Inform. Security Intell. Contr., Aug. 2012, pp. 27–30.
[25]Hsin-Wen Tingand Chi-Ming Hsu, “An overkill detection system for improving the testing quality of semiconductor,” in Proc. Inform. Security Intell. Contr., Aug. 2012, pp.31–34.
[26]Hsin-Wen Ting and Cing-Wen Yang, “An infrastructure for analog circuits testing,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Mixed-Signals, Sensors, and Syst. Test Workshop, May 2012, pp. 108–112. (EI)
[27]An-Sheng Chao, Soon-Jyh Chang, and Hsin-Wen Ting, “A SAR ADC BIST for simplified linearity test,” in Proc. IEEE Int SOC Conf., Sep. 2011, pp. 146–149. (EI)
[28]I-Jen Chao, Wei-Chih Chen, Chia-Ming Kuo, Bin-Da Liu, Hsin-Wen Ting, Soon-Jyh Chang, and Chun-Yueh Huang, “A low-distortion relaxed-DEM-timing delta-sigma modulator without extra adder in the quantizer input,” in Proc. 22th VLSI Design/CAD Workshop, Aug. 2011, pp. 480–483.
[29]Hsin-Wen Ting and Hung-Yu Wang, “Improvement of stop-band attenuation for the Sallen-Key low-lass filter,” in Proc. IEEE Int Symp. Next-Generation Electron., Nov. 2010, pp 158–161. (EI)
[30]Ren-Li Chen, Soon-Jyh Chang, and Hsin-Wen Ting, “A low-cost low-power current-steering DAC for UWB transceivers,” in Proc. 21th VLSI Design/CAD Workshop, Aug. 2010, pp. 355–358.
[31]Hsin-Wen Ting, I-Jen Chao, Yu-Chang Lien, Soon-Jyh Chang, and Bin-Da Liu, “A low-cost output response analyzer circuit for ADC BIST,” in Proc. IEEE Testing and Diagnosis. Conf., Apr. 2009, pp. 1–4. (EI)
[32]Hsin-Wen Ting, Bin-Da Liu, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “Histogram based testing strategy for ADC,” in Proc. IEEE Asian Test Symp., Nov. 2006, pp. 51–54. (EI)
[33]Ruei-Jhe Tsai, Hsin-Wen Ting, Chi-Sheng Lin, and Bin-Da Liu, “A CAM/WTA-based high speed and low power longest prefix matching circuit design,” in Proc. IEEE Asia-Pacific Conf. Circuits and Syst., Dec. 2006, pp. 427–430. (EI)
[34]Ruei-Jhe Tsai, Hsin-Wen Ting, Chi-Sheng Lin, and Bin-Da Liu, “A CAM/WTA-based high speed and low power longest prefix matching circuit design,” in Proc. 17th VLSI Design/CAD Workshop, Aug. 2006, pp. 274–277v
[35]Hsin-Wen Ting, Cheng-Wu Lin, Bin-Da Liu, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “Reconstructive oscillator based sinusoidal signal generator for ADC BIST,” in Proc. IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits. Conf., Nov. 2005, pp. 65–68. (EI)
[36]Hsin-Wen Ting, Bin-Da Liu, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “A reconfigurable sinusoidal signal generator for analog-to-digital converter built-in self-test,” in Proc. 16th VLSI Design/CAD Workshop, Aug. 2005.
[37]Hsin-Wen Ting, Bin-Da Liu, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “A time domain built-in self-test methodology for SNDR and ENOB tests of analog-to-digital converters,” in Proc. IEEE Asian Test Symp., Nov. 2004, pp. 52–57. (EI)
[38]Hsin-Wen Ting, Bin-Da Liu, and Soon-Jyh Chang, “An on-chip concurrent high frequency analog and digital sinusoidal signal generator,” in Proc. IEEE Asia-Pacific Conf. Circuits and Syst., Dec. 2004, pp. 173–176. (EI)
[1]劉濱達,丁信文,張順志:「以直方圖為基礎之類比數位轉換器測試方法」中華民國發明專利第I311866號(專利權期間:2009年7月1日至2026年3月19日) ”Testing Method for Analog-to-Digital Converter,” ROC Patent, Patent Number: I311866, (Period: July.1, 2009 – Mar 19, 2026.)
[2]指導專題學生參加教育部112學年度(2024)大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學標準元件組佳作一隊Award of Merit, Cell-Based Digital Circuit Design, National IC Contest, Taiwan, 2023
[4]指導專題學生參加教育部111學年度(2023)大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學標準元件組設計完成證明完成獎一隊Proof of compliance, Cell-Based Digital Circuit Design, National IC Contest, Taiwan, 2023
[5]指導專題學生參加2022年教育部110學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得佳作一隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Taiwan, 2022
[11]指導專題學生參加2021年教育部109學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得設計完成獎一隊與設計完成證明一隊與Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Taiwan, 2021
[12]指導專題學生參加2021年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得入圍決賽證明Himax IC Layout Award, 2021
[15]指導專題學生參加2020年教育部108學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學標準元件數位電路設計組獲得完成證明Proof of compliance, Standard Cell Digital Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Taiwan, 2020
[16]指導專題學生參加2020年台積電前瞻佈局大賽獲得佳作一隊與決賽完賽證明一隊IC Layout Contest, 2020
[17]指導專題學生參加108學年度(2019)電子工程系畢業專題比賽,獲得綜合組第一名(作品名稱:5空汙監控智慧系統)、電子組第三名(作品名稱:應用於Audio Frequency之8Bits C2C-DAC)、佳作四隊。
[20]指導專題學生參加2019年教育部107學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得設計完成獎Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Taiwan, 2019
[21]指導專題學生參加2019年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得佳作二隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2019
[23]指導專題學生參加107學年度(2018)電子工程系畢業專題比賽,作品名稱:A rail to rail input/output OP amplifier,獲得第三名。
[25]指導專題學生參加2018年教育部106學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得優等一隊與佳作一隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2018
[26]指導專題學生參加2018年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得佳作五隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2018
[27]Best Paper Award, IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE 2018)
[29]指導專題學生參加2017年教育部105學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得優等二隊與佳作三隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2017
[30]指導專題學生參加2017年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得最佳團隊獎Himax IC Layout Award, 2017
[31]指導專題學生參加2017年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得佳作四隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2017
[34]Innovative Concept Award, International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD 2016)
[35]指導專題學生參加2016年教育部104學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得特優一隊、優等一隊與設計完成獎四隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2016
[36]指導專題學生參加2016年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得優等一隊、佳作一隊與競賽完成獎四隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2016
[38]指導專題學生參加2015年教育部103學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得佳作二隊與設計完成獎三隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2015
[39]指導專題學生參加2015年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得佳作三隊與競賽完成獎九隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2015
[42]指導研究所學生參加2014年教育部102學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽研究所/大學類比電路組與大學部全客戶組獲得優等獎一隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2014
[43]指導專題學生參加2014年教育部102學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得特優一隊、優等二隊、佳作三隊與設計完成獎一隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2014
[44]指導專題學生參加2014年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得最佳指導教授獎Himax IC Layout Award, 2014
[45]指導專題學生參加2014年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得最佳團隊獎Himax IC Layout Award, 2014
[47]指導專題學生參加2014年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得佳作六隊與競賽完成獎四隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2014
[49]指導專題學生參加2013年教育部101學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得優等一隊與佳作三隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2013
[50]指導研究所學生與專題學生參加2013年教育部101學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽研究所/大學類比電路組與大學部全客戶組獲得設計完整獎三隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2013
[51]指導專題學生參加2013年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得佳作三隊與競賽完成獎二隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2013
[53]指導專題學生參加2012年教育部100學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶組設計獲得優等一隊與佳作三隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2012
[54]指導研究所學生參加2012年教育部100學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽研究所/大學類比電路組設計佳作一隊Award of Merit, Analog Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2012
[55]指導專題學生參加2012年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得佳作二隊與競賽完成獎五隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2012
[59]指導專題學生參加2011年亞東盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得第三名與佳作五隊OIT IC Layout Award, 2011
[63]指導專題學生參加2011年教育部99學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得優等二隊、佳作一隊與設計完整獎二隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2011
[65]指導專題學生參加2011年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得佳作二隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2011
[68]Best Paper Award, The 21th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2010
[69]指導專題學生參加2010年教育部98學年度大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部全客戶設計組獲得佳作二隊與設計完整獎二隊Award of Merit, Full-Custom Circuits Design, National IC Contest, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2010
[70]指導專題學生參加2010年奇景盃積體電路佈局競賽獲得次優一隊與佳作三隊Himax IC Layout Award, 2010
[71]斐陶斐榮譽學會會員 Member, The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society, 2008
[72]旺宏金矽獎優等獎 Macronix Golden Silicon Award, 2006
[73]柯林論文獎(資訊與通訊科技碩士獎)Lam Research Thesis Award, Lam Research Corporation, 2004
[1]Membership of IEEE Circuits and System Society (CAS) Tainan Chapter, Taiwan (2019~2020)
[2]Treasurer of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Tainan Chapter, Taiwan (2017~2019)
[3]台灣電機電子工程學會(TIEEE)最佳博碩士論文獎審查(2018年, 2015年)
[1]Session Chair, 2025 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology Applications (SEMBA 2025)
[2]Committee member, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2024
[3]Committee member, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2023
[4]Committee member, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2022
[5]Committee member, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2021
[6]General Chair, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2021)
[7]Program Chair, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2020)
[8]Program Committee, Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE 2020)
[9]Committee member, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2019
[10]Publicity Chair, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2019)
[11]Committee member, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2018
[12]Tutorial, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2018)
[13]Moderator, Advanced Design/Measurement Platform Summit, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2017
[14]Program committee, IEEE Green Technology and Sustainable Development Conference (GTSD 2016)
[15]Session Chair & Program committee, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2016)
[16]Program committee, Conference on Innovative Electronics Design and Applications (CIEDA 2015)
[17]Program committee, Conference on Innovative Electronics Design and Applications (CIEDA 2014)
[18]Program committee, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2014)
[19]Program committee, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2013)
[20]Registration Chair & Session Chair, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2012)
[21]Session Chair, VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2011)
[22]Affair committee member, IPPR Conference on Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2010)
[23]Session Chair, International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2009)
[1]IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2015, 2014
[2]IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I), 2015, 2014
[3]IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II (TCAS-II), 2019, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
[4]IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics: 2017
[5]IET Electronics Letters: 2018
[6]Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), 2020, 2018, 2017, 2014, 2012, 2011
[7]Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2024,2021,2018
[8]International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2020
[9]Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2019
[10]Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2016
[11]International Journal of Electronics, 2015
[12]Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, 2015
[13]Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, 2014
[14]Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Journal (ETRI Journal), 2012, 2011, 2010
[15]International Test Conference in Asia (ITC-Asia 2020, 2018)
[16]VLSI Design/CAD Symposium 2021, 2019, 2018
[17]VLSI Test Technology Workshop (VTTW 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010)
[18]Conference on Innovative Electronics Design and Applications (CIEDA 2014)
[19]IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT 2013)
[20]IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2016, APCCAS 2012)
[21]IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS 2012)
[22]IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2011)
[23]IEEE International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE 2010)
[24]IPPR Conference on Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (CVGIP 2010)
[25]International Conference on High-Speed Circuits Design (HSCD 2010)