Jian-Chiun Liou - 退休/離職 教師

英文名字: | Jian-Chiun Liou |
分 機: | 5672 |
電子郵件: | jcliou@kuas.edu.tw |
學 歷: | 國立清華大學奈米工程與微系統研究所 博士 |
專 長: | IC設計 奈微機電系統 光電系統設計製程 數位電路設計 微感測與致動元件 |
英文名字:Jian-Chiun Liou
分 機:5672
學 歷:國立清華大學奈米工程與微系統研究所 博士
專 長:
(1) 智慧肌電訊號控制系統與應用,穿戴式肌電訊號控制功能選單及遙控架構系統來開發,探討及揣摩使用者使用遙控器時所產生的生理、心理需求,以及行為模式分析,藉由創新的穿戴式肌電訊號控制遙控架構系統整合在電子系統上,來達到使用者能簡易使用的目標。
針對光通訊系統深入研發(光開關元件陣列驅動)光信號的交換由分佈於聚合體堆中的薄膜加熱元素控制。當電流通過加熱器時,金屬薄膜通電發熱,改變了波導分支區域內的熱量分佈,導致其下面的波導的折射率發生變化,這樣就可以將光耦合從主波導引導至目的分支波導,而實現光的開關動作。熱環控制(Heater Ring Control)需要有非常精明的控制電路來處理資料,暫存資料,傳遞資料,而且晶片對外部的接點要越少越好,以確保在封裝過程中,以及資料互相傳遞沒有遺失。
- 智慧肌電訊號系統分析設計與應用(2014)
- 微型LED面板驅動電路分析設計(2014)
- 超音波探頭驅動電路系統(2013)
- 自動化光學檢測電路技術 (2012)
- 高階噴墨晶片電路系統 (2011)
- 主動光柵微細背光條電路設計與組裝控制(2010)
(A) 期刊論文(SCI Journal):
1、Jian-Chiun Liou, Fo-Hau Chen, ”Design and fabrication of optical system for time-multiplex autostereoscopic display” , Optics Express (2011).(SCI, Impact factor: 3.477) June 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11007-11017.
2、Jian-Chiun Liou, Chien-Chen Diao, Chin-Cheng Lin, Yen-Lin Chen and Cheng-Fu Yang, “Prepare Dispersed CIS Nano-Scale Particles and Spray Coating CIS Absorber Layers Using Nano-Scale Precursors”, MS ID: 1228051691112073, Journal: Nanoscale Research Letters(Nanoscale Res Lett. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.67)) 2014 Jan 1;9(1):1. doi: 10.1186/1556-276X-9-1.
3、Jian-Chiun Liou,”Design and Fabrication of Multi-Function Controlling IC for Full Resolution Stereo Display”, Advance in Microelectronic Engineering(AIME), Volume 1 Issue 3, pp.45-55.,July 2013.
4、Jian-Chiun Liou, “Embedded system of Multi-Function Controlling IC for Optical Human Interface Stereo Display”, Advances in Microelectronic Engineering (AIME)(Invited paper)(2012).
5、 Jian-Chiun Liou, Kuen Lee, Chun-Jung Chen, “Low Cross-Talk Multi-Viewer Tracking 3-D Display of Synchro-Signal LED Scanning Backlight System”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, (2011).(SCI, Impact factor: 2.0) Volume: 7 , Issue: 8 Page(s): 411 – 419.
6、 Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, Chi-Ming Huang”, Design and fabrication of monolithic multi- dimensional data registration CMOS/MEMS inkjet print head”, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems.Vol.19, Issue 4,pp. 961 – 972 (2010).(SCI, Impact factor: 2.79)
7、Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng,” Multi-Dimensional Data Registration CMOS/MEMS integrated inkjet printhead”, Journal of Microelectronic Enigneering. doi:10.1016/j.mee.2010.11.052 (2010).(SCI, Impact factor: 1.488) Volume 88, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 888-901 (2010).
8、 Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng,“Thermally Actuated Optoelectronic Switch Array for Wavelength Modulation/Lock Within 0.01nm Fluctuation”, Optical Enigneering Journal, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp.1-7, August 2009. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.658)
9、Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng,“120Hz Display with Intelligent LED Backlight Enabled by Multi-Dimensional Controlling IC , Displays, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 147-153, 2009. (SCI, , Impact factor: 1.277)
10、Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, ”Integrated CMOS System and Thermally Actuated Optical Switch for Wavelength Modulation/Lock in Communication Network”, Opto-Electronics Review, vol.17.,no.4, pp.57-65., 2009. (SCI, , Impact factor: 1.168)
11、 Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, “Tunable Coupled-Ring-Resonator of Thermally Actuated Optical Switch Array”, Journal of Modern Optics, Volume 56 Issue 16, Pages 1747 – 1760, (2009). (SCI, , Impact factor: 0.942)
12、Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, ”Three-Dimensional Architecture of Multiplexing Data Registration Integrated Circuit for Large-Array Ink Jet Printhead”,Journal of Imaging Science and Technology®Vol. 52(1): 1–1-7, 2008. (SCI, , Impact factor: 0.755)
- 研討會論文:
1.Jian-Chiun Liou, “A Novel Encoding Algorithm to Control Multiplexer for multi-channel Medical Ultrasound”, Symposium on Engineering Medicine and Biology Applications, January 17-19, 2014.
2.Jian-Chiun Liou*, Chieh-Chung Hsu,“Floating display with interactive virtual touch module”, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers Special Issue: Proceedings: EuroDisplay 2013, Volume 44, Issue Supplement S1, pages 19–20, September 2013.
3.Jian-Chiun Liou*, Chieh-Chung Hsu,”Interactive Virtual Touch Floating Display “ , PA-01 , International Display Manufacturing Conference(IDMC’13) 2013.
4.Jian-Chiun Liou and Chieh-Chung Hsu,” Floating Display with Interactive Virtual Touch Module”, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers Special Issue: Proceedings: EuroDisplay 2013,Volume 44, Issue Supplement S1, pages 19–20, September 2013
5.Jian-Chiun Liou, “Monolithic Integrated Circuits of Novel CMOS/MEMS Inkjet Print Head”, Nano-S&T, pp.1-4 (Invited Paper on Bit Life Science)(2012).
6.Jian-Chiun Liou, “Slim Light-Strip Array Backlight for Autostereoscopic Display”,「International Conference on 3D Systems and Applications」,P6-3,pp.432-436,(2012)
7.Jian-Chiun Liou, “Enhance light efficiency for slim light-strip array backlight on autostereoscopic display”, 3DTV: The True Vision – Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, 2012.
8.Jian-Chiun Liou, Fu-Hao Chen; “Design and Fabrication of Time Sequence LED Backlight for Autostereoscopic Multi-View Display “,Three Dimensional Systems and Applications, pp.133-136, Japan (Invited Paper on 3DSA)(2011).
9.Jian-Chiun Liou, Fu-Hao Chen; “Intelligent and Green Energy LED Backlight System for Stereo Display “,National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, pp.178-181, Taiwan (2011).
10.Jian-Chiun Liou*, Fu-Hao Chen, Chao-Hsu Tsai, Active Dynamic Backlight for Time-Multiplex Autostereoscopic Display, International Display Manufacturing Conference (IDMC’11), (2011) (S2-02).
11. Jian-Chiun Liou, Kuen Lee, Chun-Jung Chen; “Time-Sequential Frame LED Strobe Backlight Multi-Viewer Shutter Glasses Stereo LCD Display”, Taiwan Display Conference, E012, (2010).
12.Jian-Chiun Liou1, Kuen Lee1, Chun-Jung Chen1; “Time-Sequential Frame LED Strobe Backlight Multi-Viewer Shutter Glasses Stereo LCD Display”, Taiwan Display Conference, E012, (2010).
13.Jian-Chiun Liou, Kuen Lee, Fan-Gang Tseng, Jui-Feng Huang, Shutter glasses stereo LCD with a scanning backlight(2009),SPIE-IS&T/EI2009, Vol. 7237 72370X-1–72370X-8(2009).
14.Jian-Chiun Liou, Wei-Ting Yen, Kuen Lee,“ Shutter-Glasses Type 3D Display with Dynamic Backlight”, IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display’09,Wed-P2-38(2009).
15.Wu-Li Chen, Jian-Chiun Liou, Kuen Lee, Chun-Fu Lu, Chang-Shuo Wu , W. L. Hsu,Ching-Chiu Liao,”Viewer-Tracking 3D Display”,IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display ’09 ,Wed-P2-35(2009).
16.Jian-Chiun Liou, and Fan-Gang Tseng,”Integrated control circuit for thermally actuated optical packet switch”, Wireless and optical communications(WOC), pp.213-218, 2008
17.Jian-Chiun Liou, and Fan-Gang Tseng”, An ASIC Control Circuit for Thermal Actuated Large Optical Packet Switch Array”, World Congress on Engineering (WCE), ICEEE ,pp.386-391, 2008.
18.Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng “An Intelligent Multiplexing Control Thermal Actuated Optical Packet Switch”, Photonics in Switching (PS), Optical Switches and Routing Devices, D-06-2, pp.1-4,Aug. 2008.
19.Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, ”LED Scanning Backlight Stereoscopic Display with Shutter Glasses”, IMID/IDMC/ASIA Display ,pp.710-713(2008).
20.Fan-Gang Tseng and Jian-Chiun Liou, ”Three Dimensional Architecture of Multiplexing Data Registration Integrated Circuit for flat panel display”,IMID/IDMC/ASIA Display , pp.1293-1296 (2008)(Invited).
21.Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, “Recent synchronization signal circuit system for low cross-talk stereoscopic display”, IMID/ IDMC/ ASIA Display ,pp.1405-1408 (2008).
22.Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng,”Three-Dimensional Architecture of Multiplexing Data Registration Integrated Circuit for Large-Array Ink Jet Printhead”,Journal of Imaging Science and Technology®Vol. 52(1): 1–1-7, 2008.
(C)Book Chapter:
(1)“Opto-MEMS Switch Array for Communication Network”的主題於 “Optoelectronics / Book 2”, ISBN 978-953-307-576-1.在 2011年06月出版;
(2)“Intelligent and Green Energy LED backlighting techniques of Stereo Liquid Crystal Displays”的綠能主題於 “Liquid Crystal Displays/Book 2”, ISBN: 978-953-307-899-1.在 2011年10月出版(05 October, 2011);
Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
(3)“The Next-generation 3D Display Technology for the Naked Eye” 的主題於 “Optoelectronics: Systems, Uses and Efficiency” 在 2011年06月出版;
(4) Nova Science Publishers, Inc.“A Novel Optoelectronic Switch Array for Communication Network”Book Title: Communication Technologies: Societal Perspectives, Strategic Management and Impact on Business在 2012年12月出版;
(5) Nova Science Publishers, Inc.“Full Resolution Multi-Contents Time Sequential 3D Display with Liquid Crystal Shutter Glasses”Book Title: New Developments in Liquid Crystals在 2013年06月出版;
1、“Stereoscopic display apparatus and display method” , US Patent:8111285(2012)
2、“Flexible electronic assembly “,US Patent: 7885079(2011)
4、“STEREO DISPLAY AND DISPLAY”, US Patent:20100020062 ( 01-28-2010).
5、“Inkjet printhead and manufacturing metod thereof”, US Patent: 7,600,859(2009).
6、“Structure of inkjet-head chip”, US Patent: 7,527,360(2009).
7、Liou; Jian-Chiun, el.” Circuit of multiplexing inkjet print system and control circuit thereof”, US Patent: 7,441,851(2008).
8、“A Thermal Bubble Printhead Chip Structure”,China: ZL200310101855.5(2007).
9、“Method for making an inkjet-head chip structure”, US Patent: 7,134,187(2007).
10、“Component for inkjet print head and manufacturing method thereof”, China: ZL03156769.X(2007).
11、 “Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETS) used in ink-jet head chips and method for making the same”,China: ZL03120847.9(2006).
Reviewer :
SCI Journal Paper
- Optics Express
- Optics & Laser Tecnology
- Journal of Electromagnetic Waves Applications(JEMWA)
- Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER, PIER B.C.M, PIER Letter)
- Journal of Imaging Science & Technology
- Journal of Modern Optics
- Microelectronic Engineering
8. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
1.2014年阿基米德發明獎(國際發明獎銀牌)-Intelligence meeting room by non-keyboard Control Broadcast System
2.Jian-Chiun Liou, Fu-Hao Chen; “Design and Fabrication of Time Sequence LED Backlight for Autostereoscopic Multi-View Display “,Three Dimensional Systems and Applications, pp.133-136, Japan (Invited Paper on 3DSA) (Paper Award) (2011).
3.美國R & D雜誌之2010 R & D 100 Award,“i2/3DW, The Next-generation 3D Display Technology with Integral 2D and 3D for the Naked Eye”
4.1st International Contest of Applications in Nano-Micro Technology Award (2010)99年優等獎—OPTO- MEMS Device Application : Smart Meeting Room – Versatile Microphone
5.2009年iCAN Taiwan: Smart Meeting Room – Energy saving and Scene control
6.2008年Jian-Chiun Liou, and Fan-Gang Tseng,”Integrated control circuit for thermally actuated optical packet switch”, Wireless and optical communications(WOC), pp.213-218, 2008 (Paper Award)
(1) 智慧肌電訊號控制系統與應用,穿戴式肌電訊號控制功能選單及遙控架構系統來開發,探討及揣摩使用者使用遙控器時所產生的生理、心理需求,以及行為模式分析,藉由創新的穿戴式肌電訊號控制遙控架構系統整合在電子系統上,來達到使用者能簡易使用的目標。
針對光通訊系統深入研發(光開關元件陣列驅動)光信號的交換由分佈於聚合體堆中的薄膜加熱元素控制。當電流通過加熱器時,金屬薄膜通電發熱,改變了波導分支區域內的熱量分佈,導致其下面的波導的折射率發生變化,這樣就可以將光耦合從主波導引導至目的分支波導,而實現光的開關動作。熱環控制(Heater Ring Control)需要有非常精明的控制電路來處理資料,暫存資料,傳遞資料,而且晶片對外部的接點要越少越好,以確保在封裝過程中,以及資料互相傳遞沒有遺失。
- 智慧肌電訊號系統分析設計與應用(2014)
- 微型LED面板驅動電路分析設計(2014)
- 超音波探頭驅動電路系統(2013)
- 自動化光學檢測電路技術 (2012)
- 高階噴墨晶片電路系統 (2011)
- 主動光柵微細背光條電路設計與組裝控制(2010)
(A) 期刊論文(SCI Journal):
1、Jian-Chiun Liou, Fo-Hau Chen, ”Design and fabrication of optical system for time-multiplex autostereoscopic display” , Optics Express (2011).(SCI, Impact factor: 3.477) June 2011 / Vol. 19, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11007-11017.
2、Jian-Chiun Liou, Chien-Chen Diao, Chin-Cheng Lin, Yen-Lin Chen and Cheng-Fu Yang, “Prepare Dispersed CIS Nano-Scale Particles and Spray Coating CIS Absorber Layers Using Nano-Scale Precursors”, MS ID: 1228051691112073, Journal: Nanoscale Research Letters(Nanoscale Res Lett. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.67)) 2014 Jan 1;9(1):1. doi: 10.1186/1556-276X-9-1.
3、Jian-Chiun Liou,”Design and Fabrication of Multi-Function Controlling IC for Full Resolution Stereo Display”, Advance in Microelectronic Engineering(AIME), Volume 1 Issue 3, pp.45-55.,July 2013.
4、Jian-Chiun Liou, “Embedded system of Multi-Function Controlling IC for Optical Human Interface Stereo Display”, Advances in Microelectronic Engineering (AIME)(Invited paper)(2012).
5、 Jian-Chiun Liou, Kuen Lee, Chun-Jung Chen, “Low Cross-Talk Multi-Viewer Tracking 3-D Display of Synchro-Signal LED Scanning Backlight System”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, (2011).(SCI, Impact factor: 2.0) Volume: 7 , Issue: 8 Page(s): 411 – 419.
6、 Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, Chi-Ming Huang”, Design and fabrication of monolithic multi- dimensional data registration CMOS/MEMS inkjet print head”, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems.Vol.19, Issue 4,pp. 961 – 972 (2010).(SCI, Impact factor: 2.79)
7、Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng,” Multi-Dimensional Data Registration CMOS/MEMS integrated inkjet printhead”, Journal of Microelectronic Enigneering. doi:10.1016/j.mee.2010.11.052 (2010).(SCI, Impact factor: 1.488) Volume 88, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 888-901 (2010).
8、 Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng,“Thermally Actuated Optoelectronic Switch Array for Wavelength Modulation/Lock Within 0.01nm Fluctuation”, Optical Enigneering Journal, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp.1-7, August 2009. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.658)
9、Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng,“120Hz Display with Intelligent LED Backlight Enabled by Multi-Dimensional Controlling IC , Displays, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 147-153, 2009. (SCI, , Impact factor: 1.277)
10、Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, ”Integrated CMOS System and Thermally Actuated Optical Switch for Wavelength Modulation/Lock in Communication Network”, Opto-Electronics Review, vol.17.,no.4, pp.57-65., 2009. (SCI, , Impact factor: 1.168)
11、 Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, “Tunable Coupled-Ring-Resonator of Thermally Actuated Optical Switch Array”, Journal of Modern Optics, Volume 56 Issue 16, Pages 1747 – 1760, (2009). (SCI, , Impact factor: 0.942)
12、Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, ”Three-Dimensional Architecture of Multiplexing Data Registration Integrated Circuit for Large-Array Ink Jet Printhead”,Journal of Imaging Science and Technology®Vol. 52(1): 1–1-7, 2008. (SCI, , Impact factor: 0.755)
- 研討會論文:
1.Jian-Chiun Liou, “A Novel Encoding Algorithm to Control Multiplexer for multi-channel Medical Ultrasound”, Symposium on Engineering Medicine and Biology Applications, January 17-19, 2014.
2.Jian-Chiun Liou*, Chieh-Chung Hsu,“Floating display with interactive virtual touch module”, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers Special Issue: Proceedings: EuroDisplay 2013, Volume 44, Issue Supplement S1, pages 19–20, September 2013.
3.Jian-Chiun Liou*, Chieh-Chung Hsu,”Interactive Virtual Touch Floating Display “ , PA-01 , International Display Manufacturing Conference(IDMC’13) 2013.
4.Jian-Chiun Liou and Chieh-Chung Hsu,” Floating Display with Interactive Virtual Touch Module”, SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers Special Issue: Proceedings: EuroDisplay 2013,Volume 44, Issue Supplement S1, pages 19–20, September 2013
5.Jian-Chiun Liou, “Monolithic Integrated Circuits of Novel CMOS/MEMS Inkjet Print Head”, Nano-S&T, pp.1-4 (Invited Paper on Bit Life Science)(2012).
6.Jian-Chiun Liou, “Slim Light-Strip Array Backlight for Autostereoscopic Display”,「International Conference on 3D Systems and Applications」,P6-3,pp.432-436,(2012)
7.Jian-Chiun Liou, “Enhance light efficiency for slim light-strip array backlight on autostereoscopic display”, 3DTV: The True Vision – Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, 2012.
8.Jian-Chiun Liou, Fu-Hao Chen; “Design and Fabrication of Time Sequence LED Backlight for Autostereoscopic Multi-View Display “,Three Dimensional Systems and Applications, pp.133-136, Japan (Invited Paper on 3DSA)(2011).
9.Jian-Chiun Liou, Fu-Hao Chen; “Intelligent and Green Energy LED Backlight System for Stereo Display “,National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, pp.178-181, Taiwan (2011).
10.Jian-Chiun Liou*, Fu-Hao Chen, Chao-Hsu Tsai, Active Dynamic Backlight for Time-Multiplex Autostereoscopic Display, International Display Manufacturing Conference (IDMC’11), (2011) (S2-02).
11. Jian-Chiun Liou, Kuen Lee, Chun-Jung Chen; “Time-Sequential Frame LED Strobe Backlight Multi-Viewer Shutter Glasses Stereo LCD Display”, Taiwan Display Conference, E012, (2010).
12.Jian-Chiun Liou1, Kuen Lee1, Chun-Jung Chen1; “Time-Sequential Frame LED Strobe Backlight Multi-Viewer Shutter Glasses Stereo LCD Display”, Taiwan Display Conference, E012, (2010).
13.Jian-Chiun Liou, Kuen Lee, Fan-Gang Tseng, Jui-Feng Huang, Shutter glasses stereo LCD with a scanning backlight(2009),SPIE-IS&T/EI2009, Vol. 7237 72370X-1–72370X-8(2009).
14.Jian-Chiun Liou, Wei-Ting Yen, Kuen Lee,“ Shutter-Glasses Type 3D Display with Dynamic Backlight”, IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display’09,Wed-P2-38(2009).
15.Wu-Li Chen, Jian-Chiun Liou, Kuen Lee, Chun-Fu Lu, Chang-Shuo Wu , W. L. Hsu,Ching-Chiu Liao,”Viewer-Tracking 3D Display”,IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display ’09 ,Wed-P2-35(2009).
16.Jian-Chiun Liou, and Fan-Gang Tseng,”Integrated control circuit for thermally actuated optical packet switch”, Wireless and optical communications(WOC), pp.213-218, 2008
17.Jian-Chiun Liou, and Fan-Gang Tseng”, An ASIC Control Circuit for Thermal Actuated Large Optical Packet Switch Array”, World Congress on Engineering (WCE), ICEEE ,pp.386-391, 2008.
18.Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng “An Intelligent Multiplexing Control Thermal Actuated Optical Packet Switch”, Photonics in Switching (PS), Optical Switches and Routing Devices, D-06-2, pp.1-4,Aug. 2008.
19.Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, ”LED Scanning Backlight Stereoscopic Display with Shutter Glasses”, IMID/IDMC/ASIA Display ,pp.710-713(2008).
20.Fan-Gang Tseng and Jian-Chiun Liou, ”Three Dimensional Architecture of Multiplexing Data Registration Integrated Circuit for flat panel display”,IMID/IDMC/ASIA Display , pp.1293-1296 (2008)(Invited).
21.Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng, “Recent synchronization signal circuit system for low cross-talk stereoscopic display”, IMID/ IDMC/ ASIA Display ,pp.1405-1408 (2008).
22.Jian-Chiun Liou and Fan-Gang Tseng,”Three-Dimensional Architecture of Multiplexing Data Registration Integrated Circuit for Large-Array Ink Jet Printhead”,Journal of Imaging Science and Technology®Vol. 52(1): 1–1-7, 2008.
(C)Book Chapter:
(1)“Opto-MEMS Switch Array for Communication Network”的主題於 “Optoelectronics / Book 2”, ISBN 978-953-307-576-1.在 2011年06月出版;
(2)“Intelligent and Green Energy LED backlighting techniques of Stereo Liquid Crystal Displays”的綠能主題於 “Liquid Crystal Displays/Book 2”, ISBN: 978-953-307-899-1.在 2011年10月出版(05 October, 2011);
Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
(3)“The Next-generation 3D Display Technology for the Naked Eye” 的主題於 “Optoelectronics: Systems, Uses and Efficiency” 在 2011年06月出版;
(4) Nova Science Publishers, Inc.“A Novel Optoelectronic Switch Array for Communication Network”Book Title: Communication Technologies: Societal Perspectives, Strategic Management and Impact on Business在 2012年12月出版;
(5) Nova Science Publishers, Inc.“Full Resolution Multi-Contents Time Sequential 3D Display with Liquid Crystal Shutter Glasses”Book Title: New Developments in Liquid Crystals在 2013年06月出版;
1、“Stereoscopic display apparatus and display method” , US Patent:8111285(2012)
2、“Flexible electronic assembly “,US Patent: 7885079(2011)
4、“STEREO DISPLAY AND DISPLAY”, US Patent:20100020062 ( 01-28-2010).
5、“Inkjet printhead and manufacturing metod thereof”, US Patent: 7,600,859(2009).
6、“Structure of inkjet-head chip”, US Patent: 7,527,360(2009).
7、Liou; Jian-Chiun, el.” Circuit of multiplexing inkjet print system and control circuit thereof”, US Patent: 7,441,851(2008).
8、“A Thermal Bubble Printhead Chip Structure”,China: ZL200310101855.5(2007).
9、“Method for making an inkjet-head chip structure”, US Patent: 7,134,187(2007).
10、“Component for inkjet print head and manufacturing method thereof”, China: ZL03156769.X(2007).
11、 “Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETS) used in ink-jet head chips and method for making the same”,China: ZL03120847.9(2006).
1.2014年阿基米德發明獎(國際發明獎銀牌)-Intelligence meeting room by non-keyboard Control Broadcast System
2.Jian-Chiun Liou, Fu-Hao Chen; “Design and Fabrication of Time Sequence LED Backlight for Autostereoscopic Multi-View Display “,Three Dimensional Systems and Applications, pp.133-136, Japan (Invited Paper on 3DSA) (Paper Award) (2011).
3.美國R & D雜誌之2010 R & D 100 Award,“i2/3DW, The Next-generation 3D Display Technology with Integral 2D and 3D for the Naked Eye”
4.1st International Contest of Applications in Nano-Micro Technology Award (2010)99年優等獎—OPTO- MEMS Device Application : Smart Meeting Room – Versatile Microphone
5.2009年iCAN Taiwan: Smart Meeting Room – Energy saving and Scene control
6.2008年Jian-Chiun Liou, and Fan-Gang Tseng,”Integrated control circuit for thermally actuated optical packet switch”, Wireless and optical communications(WOC), pp.213-218, 2008 (Paper Award)
Reviewer :
SCI Journal Paper
- Optics Express
- Optics & Laser Tecnology
- Journal of Electromagnetic Waves Applications(JEMWA)
- Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER, PIER B.C.M, PIER Letter)
- Journal of Imaging Science & Technology
- Journal of Modern Optics
- Microelectronic Engineering
8. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems