YAW-DUNG WU - 醫學工程組, 電信組

英文名字: | Yaw-Dong Wu |
分 機: | 15612 |
電子郵件: | ydwu@nkust.edu.tw |
學 歷: | 國立中山大學電機博士 |
專 長: | 光纖通訊 光子晶體 光波導 光子超物質 |
1. COMSOL Multiphysics模擬軟體:為一多重物理量耦合模擬軟體,可做高頻電磁、射頻、電漿反應等模擬。
2. RSoft Design Group模擬軟體:針對通訊提供廣泛的模擬設計套件和分析軟體,可做設計繪製波導元件、光路與其他光子元件,並定義被動元件的材料特性與結構幾何
1. 光子晶體元件設計。
2. 全光式元件設計。
3. 光子超物質原理與應用。
4. 表面電漿原理與應用。
1. 以二維光子晶體為基礎所新設計之慢光與光延遲元件 NSC-99-2221- E-151-039),2010/8/1~2011/7/31,主持人 。
2. 利用二維光子晶體波導結構所設計之多通道分波多工器及全光式光開關之研究 (II)( NSC-98- 2221- E-151-006),2009/8/1~2010/7/31,主持人 。
3. 利用二維光子晶體波導結構所設計之多通道分波多工器及全光式光開關之研究(NSC-97-2221-E-151-007),2008/8/1~2009/7/31,主持人。
4. 二維光子晶體環形共振腔低密度分波多工器(NSC-97-2815-C-151-003-E),2008/7/1~2009/2/28,主持人。
5. 可應用於分析每一層均為非線性的多層與多分支光波導理論與多通道分波多工器及全光式開關之研究(NSC-96-2221-E-151-025),2007/8/1~2008/7/31,主持人。
1. “Analyzing the multilayer optical planar waveguides with double-negative metamaterial,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research本論文之成果可有效提高波在DNG超物質材料介質的傳播。
2. “Analysis and calculations of forbidden regions for transverse-electric-guided waves in the three-layer planar waveguide with photonic metamaterial,” Fiber and Integrated Optics,本研究成果可用來分析的模態理論在三層平面波導與光子超材料的橫向電波。
3. “New design of a triplexer using ring resonator integrated with directional coupler based on photonic crystals,” Proc. of SPIE,本研究成果可建構新型三工環型諧振器並具有90%以上的傳輸效率。

1. 光子晶體元件設計
2. 全光式元件設計
3. 光子超物質原理與應用
4. 表面電漿原理與應用
1. 分析導波層為非線性多層光波導結構之一般方法(NSC-92-2215-E-151-001),2003/8/1~2004/7/31,主持人。
2. 任一導波層為非線性之多層光波導之研究(NSC-93-2215-E-151-003),2004/8/1~2005/7/31,主持人。
3. 具有覆層為非線性之多層、多分支與多重量子井之平面型光波導結構之研究(NSC-94-2215-E-151-001),2005/8/1~2006/7/31,主持人。
4. 可應用於分析每一層均為非線性的多層與多分支光波導理論與多通道分波多工器及全光式開關之研究(NSC-96-2221-E-151-025),2007/8/1~2008/7/31,主持人。
5. 二維光子晶體環形共振腔低密度分波多工器(NSC-97-2815-C-151-003-E),2008/7/1~2009/2/28,主持人。
6. 利用二維光子晶體波導結構所設計之多通道分波多工器及全光式光開關之研究(NSC-97-2221-E-151-007),2008/8/1~2009/7/31,主持人。
7. 利用二維光子晶體波導結構所設計之多通道分波多工器及全光式光開關之研究 (II)( NSC-98- 2221- E-151-006),2009/8/1~2010/7/31,主持人 。
8. 以二維光子晶體為基礎所新設計之慢光與光延遲元件 NSC-99-2221- E-151-039),2010/8/1~2011/7/31,主持人 。
1. 非線性全光式邏輯元件之研究,2002/8/1~2003/7/31。
2. 光通訊教育改進計畫-光通訊系統組 (一),2003/3~2003/12。
3. 光通訊教育改進計畫-光通訊系統組 (二),2004/1~2004/12。
4. 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-光通訊系統組 (三),2005/1~2005/12。
5. 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-光通訊系統組 (四)。
6. 10Gb/s單纖雙向傳接光模組之研發,2005/11~2006/7。
7. 10Gb/s單纖雙向傳輸光網路架構之研究。
8. 二維光子晶體低密度分波多工器之研究,2008/6/1~2009/1/31。
9. 具有低串音干擾的二維光子晶體光三工器,2011/2/9~2011/12/31。
(A) 期刊論文:
1. C. W. Kuo, S. Y. Chen, Y. D. Wu, M. H. Chen, 2010, “Analyzing the multilayer optical planar waveguides with double-negative metamaterial,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 110, pp. 163-178. (SCI-1559-8985) (NSC-99-2221-E-151-039)
2. C. W. Kuo, S. Y. Chen, Y. D. Wu, M. H. Chen, and C. F. Chang, 2010, “Analysis and calculations of forbidden regions for transverse-electric-guided waves in the three-layer planar waveguide with photonic metamaterial,” Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 305-314. (SCI-0146-8030) (NSC-98-2221-E-151-006)
3. Y. D. Wu, T. T. Shih, J. J. Lee, 2009 “New design of a triplexer using ring resonator integrated with directional coupler based on photonic crystals,” Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7631, 763123. (EI)
4. Y. D. Wu, T. T. Shih, and J. J. Lee, 2009, “High-quality-factor filter based on a photonic crystal ring resonator for wavelength division multiplexing applications,” Applied Optics, Vol. 48, No. 25, pp. F25-F31. (SCI-0003-6935) (NSC-97-2221-E-151-007)
5. Y. D. Wu, K. W. Hsu, T. T. Shih, and J. J. Lee, 2009, “New design of four-channel add-drop filters based on double-resonant cavity photonic crystals,” J. of Optical Society of America B, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 640-644. (SCI-0740-3224). (NSC-2221-E-151-007)
6. T. T. Shih, *Y. D. Wu, and J. J. Lee, 2009, “Proposal for compact optical triplexer filter using 2-D photonic crystals,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 18-20. (SCI-1041-1135) (NSC-96-2221-E-151-025).
7. Y. D. Wu, M. H. Chen , C. W. Kuo, C. F. Chang, and S. Y. Chen, 2008, “The study of multilayer planar optical waveguide structure with nonlinear cladding,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 40, pp. 495-512. (SCI-0306-8919) (NSC-96-2221-E-151-025)
8. Y. D. Wu, T. T. Shih, and M. H. Chen, 2008, “New all-optical logic gates based on the local nonlinear Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 248-257. (SCI-1094-4087) (NSC-96-2221-E-151-025).
9. Y. D. Wu, M. L. Huang, and T. T. Shih, 2007, “Optical Interleaver Based on Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals,” Applied Optics, Vol. 46, No. 29, pp. 7212-7217. (SCI-0003-6935) (NSC-96-2221-E-151-025).
10. Y. D. Wu, M. L. Huang, M. H. Chen, and R. Z. Tasy, 2007, “All-optical Switch Based on the Local Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer,” Optics Express, Vol. 15, No. 16, pp. 9883-9892. (SCI-1094-4087).
11. Y. D. Wu, K. W. Hsu, and T. T. Shih, 2007, “Thirty-two-channel Dense-Wavelength-Division Multiplexer based on Cascade Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Waveguide Structure,” J. of Optical Society of America B, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 2075-2080. (SCI-0740-3224).
12. C. W. Kuo, S. Y. Chen , M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, and Y. D. Wu, 2007, “Analyzing multilayer optical waveguide with all nonlinear layers,” Optics Express, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 2499-2516. (SCI-1094-4087)
13. C. W. Kuo, C. F. Chang, M. H. Chen, S. Y. Chen, and Y. D. Wu, 2007, “A New Approach of Planar Multi-channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing System Using Asymmetric Super-cell Photonic Crystal Structures,” Optics Express, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 198-206. (SCI-1094-4087)
14. Y. D. Wu, 2006, “New All-Optical Switch Based on the Spatial Soliton Repulsion,” Optics Express, Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 4005-4012. (SCI-1094-4087) (NSC-94-2215-E-151-001)
15. Y. D. Wu, and M. H. Chen, 2005, “Method for analyzing multilayer nonlinear optical waveguide,” Optics Express., Vol. 13, pp. 7982-7996. (SCI-1094-4087) (NSC-93-2215-E-151-003)
16. Y. D. Wu, 2005, “All-Optical Logic Gates by Using Multibranch Waveguide Structure with Localized Optical Nonlinearity,” IEEE JSTQE., Vol. 11, pp. 307-312. (SCI-1077-260X) (NSC-93-2215-E-151-003)
17. Y. D. Wu, 2005, “1×N All-Optical Device by Using the Phase Modulation of Spatial Solitons,” Applied Optics., Vol. 44, pp. 4144-4147. (SCI-0003-6935) (NSC-93-2215-E-151-003)
18. M. H. Chen, K. H. Chiang, Y. D. Wu, W. W. Lin, and T. W. Wu, 2005 ” A Novel Electric Current Sensor Employing the Twisted Optical Fiber,” Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 5634, pp. 286-292. (EI)
19. Y. D. Wu, M. L. Huang, M. H. Chen, and K. H. Chiang, 2005 “The Swing Effect of Spatial Solitons Excited by the Butt-coupled Linear Waveguide,” Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 5646, pp. 358-368. (EI)
20. Y. D. Wu, M. H. Hsiao, M. H. Chen, and K. H. Chiang, 2005 “ A New All-optical Phase-contralled Routing Switch,” Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 5646, pp. 345-357. (EI)
21. Y. D. Wu, Y. F. Liao, M. H. Chen, and K. H. Chiang, 2005 “ Nonlinear All-optical Phase and Power-Controled Switch by Using the soliton interaction,” Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 5646, pp. 334-344. (EI)
22. Y. D. Wu, M. H. Chen, S. Y. Chen, and K. H. Chiang, 2005 “A New All-optical Switch by the Nonlinear Asymmetric Mach-Zehnder Waveguide Structure,” Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 5646, pp. 325-333. (EI)
23. M. H. Chen, *Y. D. Wu, and R. Z. Tasy, 2005, “Analyses of Antisymmetric Modes of Three-Layer Nonlinear Optical Waveguide,” Journal of Nat. Kao. Uni. Of App. Sci., Vol. 34, pp. 125-132.
24. 吳曜東、黃敏倫、陳茂雄、朱志玄, 2005,「覆層為非線性平面光波導之分析」,工程科技與教育學刊,Vol. 2,No. 1,pp. 125-132。
25. Y. D. Wu, 2004, “New all-optical wavelength auto-router based on spatial solitons,” Optics Express, Vol. 12, pp. 4172-4177. (SCI-1094-4087) (NSC-93-2215-E-151-003)
26. Y. D. Wu, 2004, “Analyzing Multilayer Optical Waveguides with a Localized Arbitrary Nonlinear Guiding Film,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electron., Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 529-540. (SCI-0018-9197) (NSC-92-2215-E-151-001)
27. Y. D. Wu, 2004, “Coupled-soliton All-optical Logic Device with Two Parallel Tapered Waveguides,” Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 405-414. (SCI-0146-8030) (NSC-92-2215-E-151-001)
28. Y. D. Wu, 2004, “Nonlinear All-Optical Switching Device by Using the Spatial Soliton Collision,” Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 387-404. (SCI-0146-8030) (NSC-92-2215-E-151-001)
29. Y. D. Wu, R. F. Li, and M. H. Chen, 2004, “New All-Optical Switches by Using Localized Optical Nonlinearity and a Parabolic Control Waveguide,” Journal of Eng. Tech. and Edu., Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 142-150. (NSC-92-2215-E-151-001)
30. Y. D. Wu and D. H. Cai, 2004, “Analytical and Numerical Analyses of TE-Polarized Waves in the Planar Optical Waveguides with the Nonlinear Guiding Film,” Journal of Eng. Tech. and Edu., Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 19-28.
31. 吳曜東、蕭明泉、陳茂雄、朱志玄,2004,「局部結構非線性的多分支光波導結構」,工程科技與教育學刊,第一卷,第二期,pp. 198-213。
32. Y. D. Wu and M. H. Chen, 2002, “The fundamental theory of the symmetric three layer nonlinear optical waveguide structures and the numerical simulation,” J. Nat. Kao. Uni. Of App. Sci., Vol. 32, pp. 133-147.
33. Y. D. Wu, M. H. Chen, and H. J. Tasi, 2002, “Analyzing the Multilayer Optical Waveguide with Nonlinear Cladding and Substrate,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 1737-1745. (SCI-0740-3224) (NSC-91-2215-E-151-001)
34. Y. D. Wu, M. H. Chen, and J. S. Lin, 2002, “Equal Output Divider by using Nonlinear Waveguide Structure,” SPIE Adaptive Optics and Applications Ⅱ, Vol. 4926.
(B) 研討會論文:
1. Yaw-Dong Wu, Yu-Xing Wu, Shih-Yuan Chen, “All-optical logic gate at visible light based on symmetric rectangular resonators in metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguides,” OPT 2010, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec 3-4, OPT7-P-046.
2. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zong-Yan Chen, and Chih-Fu Chang, “Bandpass filters based on phase-shifted photonic crystal coupled resonator optical waveguides,” OPT 2010, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec 3-4, OPT2-P-113.
3. Yaw-Dong Wu, Hong-Yuan Jiang, Jian-Jang Lee, and Tien-Tsorng Shih,” Compact filters based on directional coupler waveguides in 2-D photonic crystal,” OPT 2010, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec 3-4, OPT1-P-080.
4. Yaw-Dong Wu, Ren-Change Zhang, Zong-Yan Chen, Chih-Fu Chang, Chia-Ling Liu, Jian-Jang Lee,” All-optical multi-channel drop filter using width-tuned photonic crystal waveguide,” OPT 2010, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec 3-4, OPT2-P-114.
5. Yaw-Dong Wu, Wan-Yu Chen, Zong-Yan Chen, Chih-Fu Chang, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen, and Shih-Yuan Chen, “All-optical NAND logic gate based on photonic crystal coupling waveguides,” OPT 2010, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec 3-4, OPT1-P-76.
6. Pei-Hao Tseng, Tien-Tsorng Shih, Hao-Wei Chen, Yaw-Dong Wu, and Wood-Hi Cheng, “Electrical packaging characteristics of a 25-Gbit/s low-cost coaxial laser module,”Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2010), Sapporo, Japan, Jul 5-9, 2010, 6D1-5.
7. Chih-Wen Kuo, Chih-Fu Chang, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Shih-Yuan Chen, Yaw-Dong Wu, Wang-Yu Chen, Tien-Tsorng Shigh, and Jian-Jang Lee, “A novel time division multiplexing system using slow light design base on planar type photonic crystal structures,” Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2010), Sapporo, Japan, Jul 5-9, 2010, 7P-66.
8. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zong-Yan Chen, Zhen-Jia You, and Chih-Fu Chang, 2010, High efficiency three channel wavelength division multiplexer based on photonic crystals,” Electronic Technology Symposium (ETS 2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jun 18, 2010, AO-14.
9. Yaw-Dong Wu, Shih-Yuan Chen, and Yu-Xing Wu, 2010, Three channel optical wavelength router in visible spectrum based on 2D PC metamaterial structure,” Electronic Technology Symposium (ETS 2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jun 18, 2010, AP-22.
10. Yaw-Dong Wu, Shin-Chang Chen, Shih-Yuan Chen, and Wan-Yu Chen, 2009, “Novel all-optical polarization beam splitter based on microring coupled resonator optical waveguides,”OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 11-12, BP-032.
11. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zhen-Jia You, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Chih-Fu Chang, Zong-Yan Chen, 2009, “Optical delay line based on photonic crystal ring resonators,” OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 11-12, BP-053.
12. Yaw-Dong Wu, Wei-Ren Wang, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Chih-Fu Chang, Jian-Jang Lee, and Chien-Chun Tung, 2009, “The all-optical logic gate based on multimode interference waveguide,” OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 11-12, BP-054.
13. Yaw-Dong Wu, Yi-Sheng Lin, Shih-Yuan Chen, Jian-Jang Lee, and Yu-Xin Wu, 2009, “Rainbow-color of photonic crystal demultiplexer based on ultralow-refractive-index metamaterial structure,” OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 11-12, BP-056.
14. Yaw-Dong Wu, Hong-Yuan Jiang, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2009, “All-optical six-channel add-drop filters based on symmetric photonic crystal ring-resonators,” OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 11-12, BP-067.
15. Yaw-Dong Wu, Ching-Chang Wang, Shih-Yuan Chen, 2009, “All-optical logic gate based on symmetric rectangular resonators in metal-insulator-metal subwavelength plasmonic waveguides,” OPT 2009, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 11-12, BP-030.
16. Yaw-Dong Wu, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2009, “New design of a triplexer using ring resonator integrated with directional coupler based on photonic crystals,” IEEE/OSA Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP 2009), Shanghai, China, Nov 2-6, FX3. (EI).
17. Jen-Wei Chien, Jian-Jang Lee, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Yaw-Dong Wu, 2009, “The simulation of beaming and coupling characteristics of photonics crystal structure,” Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2009), Hong Kong, China, July 13-17, ThLP30.
18. Yaw-Dong Wu, Wan-Yu Chen, Chin-Fu Chang, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen, and Shih-Yuan Chen, 2009, “All-optical photonic crystal XOR gate based on ring resonators,”Electronic Technology Symposium (ETS 2009), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jun 19, AP-33.
19. Yaw-Dong Wu, Ching-Chang Wang, Shih-Yuan Chen, 2009, “All-optical AND logic gate based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer in two-dimensional photonic crystal,” Electronic Technology Symposium (ETS 2009), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jun 19, AP-34.
20. Yaw-Dong Wu, Hong-Yuan Jiang, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2009, “Four-channel add-drop filters based on photonic crystals ring-resonator,” Electronic Technology Symposium (ETS 2009), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jun 19, AO-16.
21. Yaw-Dong Wu, Tien-Tsorng Shih, Jian-Jang Lee, Mao-Hsiung Chen, and Hung-Fu Kao, 2009 “Optical Channel Drop Filter Based on Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals,” Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC 2009), San Diego, California, USA, Mar 24-26, JThA23.
22. Yaw-Dong Wu, Jian-Jang Lee, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Jen-Wei Chien, 2008, “A high quality factor filter based on quasi-ring resonator design in two-dimensional photonic crystal,”IEEE/OSA Asia Optical Fiber Communication & Optoelectronic Exposition & Conference (AOE 2008), Shanghai, China, Oct 31-Nov 2, SuD2. (EI).
23. Yaw-Dong Wu, Hsin-Chang Chen, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Shih-Yuan Chen, 2008, “New All-Optical Logic Gate Device Based On Symmetric Micro-Ring Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguides,” 2008 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 7, PG-06.
24. Yaw-Dong Wu, Wei-Ren Wang, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Shih-Yuan Chen, 2008, “A new Y-type polarization splitter by photonic crystal structures,” 2008 International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov 7, PD-16.
25. Jen-Wei Chien, Jian-Jang Lee, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Yaw-Dong Wu, 2008, “The transmission and beaming behavior of light via photonic crystal structure,” OPT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 4-6, Fri-P1-112.
26. Yaw-Dong Wu and Jheng-Hong Ciou, 2008, “New All-Optical Switch and Wavelength Auto-Router Containing a Tapered Nonlinear Waveguide with Spatial Soliton,” OPT 2008, Taipei,Taiwan, Dec 4-6, Sat-P2-149.
27. Yaw-Dong Wu, Wei-Lun Li, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2008, “Analysis of Multi-Core PhotonicCrystal Fibers Power Splitter,” OPT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 4-6, Fri-P1-182.
28. Yaw-Dong Wu, Jui-Hong Hsu, Jian-Jang Lee, and Sheng Lin Yi, 2008, “Wavelength Division Multiplexers based on Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal with Multi-Channel Drop Filters,”OPT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 4-6, Sat-P2-115.
29. Hsin-Chang Chen, Yaw-Dong Wu, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Shih-Yuan Chen, 2008, “New all-optical logic gate device based on symmetric micro-ring coupled resonator optical waveguides,” OPT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 4-6, Fri-P1-092.
30. Zhen-Jia You, Yaw-Dong Wu, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Chih-Fu Chang, 2008, “Ring-Type Delay Line based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator” OPT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 4-6, Fri-P1-085.
31. Wei-Ren Wang, Yaw-Dong Wu*, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Chih-Fu Chang, 2008, “Proposal for a Y-Type Polarization Splitter Based on Photonic Crystal Waveguide”OPT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 4-6, Fri-P1-088.
32. Yi-Sheng Lin, Yaw-Dong Wu, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Shih-Yuan Chen, 2008, “Analysis of negative refraction propagate behavior in two dimensional photonic crystal,”OPT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 4-6, Fri-P1-111.
33. Yaw-Dong Wu, Yi-Sheng Lin, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen, and Shih-Yuan Chen, 2008, “The design of visible spectrum division based on two-dimensional photonic crystal metamaterial structure,” National Symposium on Telecommunications 2008 (NST 2008), Yunlin, Taiwan, Dec 5-6, PA2-10.
34. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zhen-Jia You, Chih-Wen Kuo, Mao-Hsiung Chen, and Chih-Fu Chang, 2008, “Ring Resonator Delay Line Based on Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals Coupled Cavity Waveguide,” National Symposium on Telecommunications 2008 (NST 2008), Yunlin,Taiwan, Dec 5-6, PA2-9.
35. Chang-Min Chao, Yaw-Dong Wu, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2008, “Analysis and design of wavelength division multiplexing based on two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides,”National Symposium on Telecommunications 2008 (NST 2008), Yunlin, Taiwan, Dec 5-6, PA2-6.
36. Chun-Huang Wu, Yaw-Dong Wu, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2008, “Seven-channel drop filters based on two-dimensional photonic crystals,” National Symposium on Telecommunications 2008 (NST 2008), Yunlin, Taiwan, Dec 5-6, PA2-3.
37. Yaw-Dong Wu, Jian-Jang Lee, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Zhen-Jia You, 2007, “Design of Triplexing Coupler Based on 2D Photonic Crystal with FTTH Function,” 2007 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC 2007), Tainan, Taiwan, Dec 20-22, pp. 949-951. (EI).
38. Yaw-Dong Wu, Jian-Jang Lee, and Tien-Tsorng Shih, 2007, “Ring-Resonator Channel Drop Filter Based on Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal,” International Workshop on Fiber and Optical Passive Components (WFOPC 2007), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 5-7, THP-1.
39. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zi-Ning Mao, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2007, “The Polarization Beam-Splitter Based on the Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals,” International Workshop on Fiber and Optical Passive Components (WFOPC 2007), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 5-7, THP-2.
40. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Tzu-Wen Kuo, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2007, “A New All-Optical Switch Based on Two Dimensional Photonic Crystals,”International Workshop on Fiber and Optical Passive Components (WFOPC 2007), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 5-7, THP-3.
41. Yaw-Dong Wu, Tian-Ren Chen, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2007, “Coupling Characteristics of Dual-Core Photonic Crystals Fiber Couplers,” International Workshop on Fiber and Optical Passive Components (WFOPC 2007), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 5-7, W4A-2.
42. Yaw-Dong Wu and Wei-Lun Li, 2007, “Analysis and Design of the Characteristics of Multi-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers,” OPT 2007, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov 30-Dec 1, BP-018.
43. Jui-Hong Hsu and Yaw-Dong Wu, 2007, “Novel Triplexer with Low-Crosstalk and High-Transmission Base on Photonic Crystal Waveguides,” OPT 2007, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov 30-Dec 1, BP-001.
44. Yaw-Dong Wu and Ren-Chang Zhang, 2007, “All-Optical Four-Channel of A Photonic Crystal Based Wavelength Demultiplexing,” OPT 2007, Taichung, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov 30-Dec 1, BP-032.
45. Yaw-Dong Wu and Jheng-Hong Ciou, 2007, “All-Optical Logic Gate Containing A Nonlinear Multiinput Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Waveguide Structure,” OPT 2007, Taichung,Taichung, Taiwan, Nov 30-Dec 1, BP-056.
46. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zi-Ning Mao, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2007, “All-Optical One-to-Three Beam-Splitter Based on Photonic Crystal,” OPT 2007, Taichung, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov 30-Dec 1, BP-035.
47. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zhen-Jia You, and Jian-Jang Lee, 2007, “Highly Efficiency Five Channel Wavelength Division Multiplexer In Photonic Crystals,” OPT 2007, Taichung, Taichung,Taiwan, Nov 30-Dec 1, BP-016.
48. Yaw-Dong Wu and Wei-Lun Li, 2007, “Coupling Characteristics of Dual-Core Fluorine-Doped Photonic Crystal Fiber Couplers,” NST 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 11-12, A6-5.
49. Jian-Jang Lee, Tien-Tsorng Shih, and Yaw-Dong Wu, 2007, “A Novel Photonic Crystal 1310/1550 nm WDM Coupler,” Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference (AP-MWP 2007), Jeju Island, Korea, Apr 25-27. D-36.
50. Yaw-Dong Wu, Min-Lun Huang, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Chih-Fu Chang and Shih-Yuan Chen, 2006, “1310/1550-Nanometer All-Optical Wavelength Router Using Photonic Crystal Waveguides”, NST-2006, Kaohsiung, December 1-2, A3-466.
51. Yaw-Dong Wu, Ke-Wei Hsu, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Chih-Fu Chang and Shih-Yuan Chen, 2006, “A New Design of Four Channel Drop Filters Based on Photonic Crystals”, NST-2006, Kaohsiung, December 1-2, P3-467.
52. Yaw-Dong Wu and Tian-Ren Chen, 2006, “A Novel Device Drop Multiplexer using Photonic Crystal Waveguides”, NST-2006, Kaohsiung, December 1-2, A3-468.
53. Yaw-Dong Wu and Yu-You Liu, 2006, “All-optical wavelength router using photonic crystal waveguides with acute bending angles”, NST-2006-469, Kaohsiung, December 1-2, P3-469.
54. Yaw-Dong Wu and Yi-Bin Chen, 2006, “All-Optical Wavelength-Division Demultiplexing Based on Photonic Crystal Waveguides”, NST-2006, Kaohsiung, December 1-2, A3-470.
55. Yaw-Dong Wu, Chia-Hung Chen, Zi-Ning Mao and Tian-Ren Chen, 2006, “Fourfold Lattice of Spectroscope in Hetero Photonic Crystals”, NST-2006, Kaohsiung, December 1-2, P3-471.
56. Yaw-Dong Wu and Zi-Ning Mao, 2006, “Photonic Crystal Interferometer”, NST-2006,Kaohsiung, December 1-2, A3-472.
57. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Hung-Fu Kao, 2006, “The 1×4 Demultiplexer Based on Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal”, NST-2006, Kaohsiung, December 1-2, A3-595.
58. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen and Yu-Hsuan Sun, 2006, “The XOR Logic Gate Based on Hexagonal Lattice Photonic Crystal”, NST-2006, Kaohsiung, December 1-2, A3-472.
59. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Tzu-Wen Kuo and Hung-Fu Kuo, 2006, “T-branch 1310/1550 nm wavelength demultiplexer based on two-dimensional photonic crystals”, OPT-2006, Hsinchu, December 1-2, BP047.
60. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Tzu-Wen Kuo and Yu-Hsuan Sun, 2006, “The XOR/OR Logic Gate Based on Hexagonal Lattice Photonic Crystal”, OPT-2006, Hsinchu, December 15-16, BP055.
61. Yaw-Dong Wu and Zi-Ning Mao, 2006, “All-Optical Router based on Photonic Crystal”, OPT-2006, Hsinchu, December 15-16, BP048.
62. Yaw-Dong Wu and Zi-Ning Mao, 2006, “All-Optical 2×2 Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based on Photonic Crystals”, OPT-2006, Hsinchu, December 15-16, BP049.
63. Yaw-Dong Wu and Yi-Bin Chen, 2006, “All Optical Multi Wavelength-Division Demultiplexing Based on Photonic Crystal Waveguides”, OPT-2006 , Hsinchu, December 15-16, BP032.
64. Yaw-Dong Wu and Tian-Ren Chen, 2006, “Optical Filter Based on Contra-Directional Waveguide Coupling in A Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal”, OPT-2006, Hsinchu, December 15-16, BP035.
65. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zi-Ning Mao, and Tian-Ren Chen, 2006, “The Study of Multilayer, Multibranch, and Multiple-Quantum-Well Planar Optical waveguide Structure with Nonlinear Cladding”, OPT-2006, Hsinchu, December 15-16, BP036.
66. Yaw-Dong Wu, Zhen-Jia You and Yu-You Liu, 2006, “Highly Efficiency Wavelength Demultiplexer in Photonic Crystals”, OPT-2006, Hsinchu, December 15-16, BP034.
67. Yaw-Dong Wu, Yu-You Liu and Zhen-Jia You, 2006, “All-Optical Wavelength Router Using Photonic Crystal Waveguides”, OPT-2006, Hsinchu, December 15-16, BP033.
68. Y. D. Wu, Z. N. Mao, 2006, “New All-Optical Switch Based on Photonic Crystal,” ICOCN/ATFO-2006, Chengdu, China, Jul. September 18-22, pp172-175.
69. M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, *Y. D. Wu, and S. Y. Chen, 2006, “A Study of Multi-channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing Using Photonic Crystals,” JCIS-2006, Optical Communications and Networks Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct 8-11., PNC-1.
70. M. H. Chen, S. Y. Chen, *Y. D. Wu, and C. F. Chang, 2006, “New all-optical wavelength auto-router based on multibranch waveguides,” JCIS-2006, Nanophotonics andDisplaysKaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct 8-11. PNC-2.
71. M. H. Chen, C. F Chang, *Y. D. Wu, S. Y. Chen, 2006, “A New Approach of Photonic Crystal-based Multi-channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing Performance Improvement”, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jul 3-7, paper 4P-17.
72. Y. D. Wu, M. L. Huang, M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, S. Y. Chen, 2006, “Wavelength Switching in Photonic Crystal Asymmetric Mach-Zehnder Interferometers”, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jul 3-7. , paper 4P-5.
73. Y. D. Wu, K. W. Hsu, “Proposal for DWDM Applications in Two-dimensional PhotonicCrystals”, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jul 3-7. , paper 4P-4.
74. Y. D. Wu, C. H. Chen, M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, and S. Y. Chen, 2006, “A New Spectroscope in Hetero Photonic Crystals”, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Kaohsiung,Taiwan, Jul 3-7. , paper 4P-3.
75. M. H. Chen, C. F Chang, *Y. D. Wu and S. Y. Chen, 2006, “Multi-Channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing Using Photonic Crystal Waveguide”, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,, Jul 3-7. , paper 4P-2.
76. M. H. Chen, S. Y Chen, *Y. D. Wu, C. F. Chang, 2006, “A Universal Form for Analyzing the Three-layer Kerr-like Nonlinear Optical Waveguides”, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jul 3-7. , paper 4P-1.
77. K. H. Chiang, M. H. Chen, W. W. Lin, Y. D. Wu, 2005, “A Novel Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Waveguide of spatial Solitons for Optical Switching Devices and DWDM Nanometer-wave Applications,” IEEE ICSS2005 Internatioanl Conference On systems & Signals, April 28-29 pp.1171-1174.
78. M. H. Chen, K. H. Chiang, W. W. Lin, Y. D. Wu, J. J. Lay, 2005, “ A novel Nonlinear Asymmetric Mach-Zehnder Waveguide interferometer of Spatial Solitons for DWDM Nanometer-wave Applications,” ISCON05,Nov 20-22, 00217.
79. M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, *Y. D. Wu and S. Y. Chen, 2005, “A New Approach to Multi-channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing Using Photonic Crystals,” 2005 International Symposium on Nano Bioengineering, Taoyuan, December, 15-16, PS21.
80. M. H. Chen, S. Y. Chen, *Y. D Wu, and C. F. Chang, 2005, “A New Nonlinear Asymmetric Mach-Zehnder Waveguide Interferometer for DWDM Nanometer-wave Applications,” 2005 International Symposium on Nano Bioengineering, Taoyuan, December, 15-16, PS22.
81. Y. D. Wu and K. W. Hsu, 2005, “Investigation of Surface Emitting Multi-Channel Drop Filter Using Ultra-Small Nanometer Photonic Crystal,” 2005 International Symposium on Nano Bioengineering, Taoyuan, December, 15-16, PS23.
82. Y. D. Wu and C. H. Chen, 2005, “Twin Lattice Photonic-crystal Beam Splitter,” 2005 International Symposium on Nano Bioengineering, Taoyuan, December, 15-16, PS25.
83. M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, *Y. D. Wu and S. Y. Chen, 2005, “A Study Of Multi-Channel Wavelength Division Multiplexing Using Photonic Crystal,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 05, Tainan, December 9-10, pp121, PB-FR2-03.
84. Y. D. Wu, D. H. Cai, M. L. Huang, M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, S. Y. Chen, 2005, “Analyzing Multilayer Optical Waveguides With A Localized Arbitrary Nonlinear Guiding Film,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 05, Tainan, December 9-10, pp121, PB-FR2-06.
85. Y. D. Wu, K. W. Hsu, M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, S. Y. Che, 2005, “Surface Emitting Multi-Channel Drop Filters Using Defects In Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals With Cubic Lattice,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 05, Tainan, December 9-10, pp121, PB-FR2-17.
86. M. H. Chen, S. Y. Chen, *Y. D. Wu, and C. F. Chang, 2005, “ The High-Order Mode Converter By Using A Multimode Waveguide,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 05, Tainan, December 9-10, pp121, PB-FR2-19.
87. Y. D. Wu, C. H. Chen, M. H. Chen, C. F. Chang, S. Y. Che, 2005, “Twofold Lattice Of Beam Splitters In Photonic Crystals,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 05, Tainan, December 9-10, pp121, PB-FR2-21.
88. Y. D. Wu and D. H. Cai, 2004, “ The Study of Multilayer Planar Optical Waveguide with Nonlinear Cladding and Substrate,” Proceedings of the 4th KUAS Academic Symposium, June 5, pp282-285.
89. Yaw-Dong Wu, and Min-Lun Huang , 2004, “Wavelength Demuliplexing Structure Based on Directional Coupler Waveguide in 2-D Photonic Crystal,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 04 VI, Taoyuan, December 18-19, PA-24.
90. Yaw-Dong Wu, and Rui-Feng Lai , 2004, “Nonlinear All-Optical Router by Using the Spatial Soliton Repulsion,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 04 VI, Taoyuan, December 18-19, PA-47.
91. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen, and Dong-Heng Cai, 2004, “A General Method for Analyzing the Multilayer Optical Waveguide with All Nonlinear Guiding Films,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 04 VI, Taoyuan, December, 18-19 PA-33.
92. Yaw-Dong Wu, and Dong-Heng Cai, 2004, “A New All-Optical Wavelength Auto-Roiter Based on Spatial Solitons,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 04 VI, Taoyuan, December 18-19, PA-45.
93. Yaw. Dong. Wu, and Rui-Feng Lai, 2004 “Multibranch Mode-Older Converter by Using a Multimode Waveguide,” Proceedings of 1st Applied Science and Technology Conference-Photonics and Communications, Kaohsiung, December 9-10, PA-04.
94. Yaw-Dong Wu, Kang-Hsien Chiang, Wuu-Wen Lin, and Mao-Hsiung Chen, 2004, “A New Mach-ZehnderWaveguide Interferometer of Spatial Solitons,” Proceedings of 1st Applied Science and Technology Conference-Photoniics and Communications, Kaohsiung, December 9-10, PA-08.
95. Yaw-Dong Wu, and Ke-Wei Hsu, 2004, “The Surface Emitting Type Channel Drop Filter in a Photonic Crystal Slab Waveguide,” Proceedings of 1st Applied Science and Technology Conference-Photoniics and Communications, Kaohsiung, December 9-10, PA-09.
96. Yaw-Dong Wu, and Dong-Heng Cai, 2004, “Multi-Wavelength Based on Spatial Solitons,” Proceedings of 1st Applied Science and Technology Conference-Photoniics and Communications, Kaohsiung, December 9-10, QA-04.
97. Yaw-Dong Wu, Ming-Chuan Hsiao, and Shih-Yuan Chen 2004, “A General Method for Analyzing the TE-Polarized Waves in the Three-Layer Nonlinear Waveguide Structure,” Proceedings of 1st Applied Science and Technology Conference-Photoniics and Communications, Kaohsiung, December 9-10, QA-08.
98. 吳曜東,蕭明泉,2003,「非線性全光式開關元件之研究」,第三屆高雄應用科大學術研討會,Proceedings of the 3rd KUAS Academic Symposium, Jun. 9,pp. 138-142.
99. Yaw-Dong Wu, Yow-Chyuan Jang, 2003, “An all-optical Switching Device by using the nonlinear Control Waveguide,” Proceedings CLEO/Pacific Rim Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics, December 9-10 Vol.I, pp.38.
100. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Rong-Zhan Tasy, 2003, “A new all-optical Switching Device by using the nonlinear Mach-Zehnder interferometer with a control waveguides,” Proceedings CLEO/Pacific Rim Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics, Sep. 15-19, Vol. I, pp.292.
101. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Kang-Hsien Chiang, Rong-Zhan Tasy, 2003, “New all-optical Switching Device by Using Interaction Property of Spatial Optical Solitons in Uniform Nonlinear Medium,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 03 III, Taipei, Dec. 15-19, pp. 215-217.
102. Yaw-Dong Wu, Ming-Chuan Hsiao, 2003, “Nonlinear all-optical Switching Devices containing a two-mode Tapered Waveguide,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 03 III,Taipei, Dec. 15-19, pp. 191-193.
103. Yaw-Dong Wu, Min-Lun Huang, 2003, “A new all-optical Switching Device by using the Optical Nonlinearity,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 03 III, Taipei, Dec. 15-19, pp. 143-145.
104. Yaw-Dong Wu, Yung-Fu Liao, 2003, “The Swing Effect of Spatial Solitons based on the Phase Modulation,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 03 III, Taipei, Dec. 15-19, pp. 200-202.
105. Yaw-Dong Wu, Bo-Xue Huang, 2003, “All-optical Switching Device by using the Interaction of Spatial Solitons,” Proceedings of Optics and Photonics Taiwan’ 03 III, Taipei, Dec. 15-19, pp. 164-166.
106. Yaw-Dong Wu, Yow-Chyuan Jang, 2003, “Analyzing and Numerical study of Seven-Layer Optical Waveguide with Localized Nonlinear Central guiding Film,” Proceedings Electrical and Information Engineering Symposium, May 30, pp.24-28.
107. Yaw-Dong Wu, Ming-Chuan Hsiao, 2003, “Numerical Study of the localized nonlinear optical waveguide excited by linear input waveguide,” Proceedings Electrical and Information Engineering Symposium, May 30, pp.29-32.
108. Yaw-Dong Wu, Mao-Hsiung Chen, Rong-Zhan Tasy, 2003, “A new all-optical logic Device by using the nonlinear Mach-Zehnder interferometer with control waveguides,” Proceedings Electrical and Information Engineering Symposium, May 30, pp. 33-36.
109. Y. D. Wu , 2002, “ All Optical Logic Device Using Bent Nonlinear Tapered Y-junction Waveguide Structure,” Proceedings of the 2nd KUAS Academic Symposium, Nov. 30- Dec 01, pp. 200-203
110. Y. D. Wu, M. H. Chen, R. Z. Tasy and H. M. Lin, 2002, “Excitation and interaction of Spatial Optical Solitons in the Uniform Nonlinear Medium,” Optics and Photonics Taiwan Ⅲ, Dec.12-13, pp. 180-182.
111. Y. D. Wu, Y. C. Jang, and H. M. Lin, 2002, “A novel All-Optical Logic Device by Using Nonlinear Control Waveguide,” Optics and Potonics Taiwan Ⅱ, Jan. 1, pp. 275-277.
112. Y. D. Wu, M. H. Chen, and H. J. Tasi, 2002, “Novel All-optical Switching Device with Localized Nonlinearity”, Optical Society of America, Optics in Computing Devices, Sep. 18-20, pp. 297-299.
113. H. M. Lin, J. Huang, Y. F. Huang, M.H. Chen and *Y. D. Wu, 2002, “The Influence of LightSource State in Fiber-Optic Current Sensors,” Optics and Photonics Taiwan, Dec. 13-14, pp. 94-96.

施天從 TIEN TSORNG SHIH,吳曜東 YAW DONG WU,李建樟 JIAN JANG LEE,具有耦合濾波結構的光子晶體,中華民國專利,I333086,2010.~