Glen Andrew Porter - 綜合組

英文名字: | Dr. Glen Andrew Porter |
分 機: | 15609 |
電子郵件: | gaporter1@kuas.edu.tw |
學 歷: | Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology |
專 長: |
Authored Works Published in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
- C. J. Tang, C. C. Jaing, F. M. Tsai, and G. A. Porter, “Solar absorbing coatings made of high oxidization resistance Nb-Si composite films”, (Submitted to Optical Materials Express, 2014).
- S. J. Huang, Y. X. Liu, and G. A. Porter, “Improvement of performance of liquid crystal microlens with polymer surface modification”, Optics Express 22(4), pp.4620-4627 (2014).
- S. J. Hwang, Y. X. Liu, and G. A. Porter, “Tunable liquid crystal microlenses with crater polymer prepared by droplet evaporation”, Optics Express 21(25), 30731-30738 (2013).
- G. A. Porter, R. C. Chang, C. K. Chao and Y. C. Li, “Effects of Different Interlayers on Indium-Tin Oxide Thin Films Sputtered on Flexible PET Substrates”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 34:4 (2011) 549-557.
- G. A. Porter, C. T. Chuang, C. K. Chao and R. C. Chang, “Thermal Stresses in a Viscoelastic Trimaterial with a Combination of a Point Heat Source and a Point Heat Sink”, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 61 (2008) 99-109.
- G. A. Porter, P. K. Liaw, T. N. Tiegs and K. H. Wu, “Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Nickel-Titanium Shape-Memory Alloy Reinforced Aluminum Composites”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 314:1-2 (2001) 186-193.
- G. A. Porter, P. K. Liaw, T. N. Tiegs and K. H. Wu, “Particle Size Reduction of Nickel-Titanium Shape-Memory Alloy Powders”, Scripta Materialia, 43:12 (December 20, 2000) 1111-1117.
- G. A. Porter, P. K. Liaw, T. N. Tiegs and K. H. Wu, “Nickel-Titanium Shape-Memory Alloy Reinforced Aluminum Composites”, Journal of Metals, 52:10 (October, 2000) 52-56.
Authored Works Published in Conference Proceedings
- T. J. Lu, K. Y. Lou, G. A. Porter, N. K. Chen, The effects of geometric design on the performance of abrupt-tapered fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometers, International Conference on Microwaves and Photonics, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India, December 13-15, 2013.
- H. C. Wu, Y. Yeh, G. A. Porter, Y. S. Lee, Electrical and optical properties of indium-aluminum-zinc semiconductor oxide films prepared by triple target co-sputtering using varying deposition power, Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, October 5-9, 2013.
- G. A. Porter, Ultra-Thin Electro-Optical Films (Invited), 6th IEEE/International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 6-9, 2013, 221-222, DOI: 10.1109/ICAIT.2013.6621563
- F. Y. Chen, R. C. Chang, G. A. Porter, A Study of Residual Stress and Temperature of Thin Films in the Depositing Process, The 12th International Congress on Mesomechanics, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 21-25, 2010, pp. 317.
- G. A. Porter, C. K. Chao, R. C. Chang, Thermal Stresses in Titanium Thin Films, The 8th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A., June 1-4, 2009, pp. 319-322.
- G. A. Porter, C. T. Chuang, C. K. Chao, R. C. Chang, Thermal Stresses in a Viscoelastic Tri-Material with a Combination of a Point Heat Source and a Point Heat Sink, The 7th International Congress of Thermal Stresses, The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 5, 2007, pp. 159.