江柏叡Po-Jui Chiang - AI資安組, 電子組

英文名字: | Po-Jui Chiang |
分 機: | 15616 |
電子郵件: | pjchiang@nkust.edu.tw |
學 歷: | 國立台灣大學電機 博士 |
專 長: | 強化學習智慧光學設計。 光學機器學習影像重建。 優化器開發與研究。 |
1. COMSOL Multiphysics模擬軟體:為一多重物理量耦合模擬軟體,可做光波導、射頻電路、表面電漿反應等模擬。
- 邁向新世代1.6兆位元矽光子平台光收發模組之研究(4/4)(110-2224-E-992-001-) 共同主持人 2021/08/01 至 2022/07/31
- 基於人工智慧深度學習之光學三維PM2.5粒子掃描(109-2221-E-992-093-) 主持人 2020/08/01 至 2021/10/01
- 邁向新世代1.6兆位元矽光子平台光收發模組之研究(3/4)(109-2224-E-992-001-)共同主持人 2020/08/01 至 2021/07/31
- 人工智慧數位全像術顯微鏡檢測PM2.5立體影像(108-2221-E-992-087-) 主持人 2019/08/01 至 2020/09/30
B. 產學計畫
- 100 年南分院前瞻產學研共同研發計畫-脈衝雷射監控電路2011.3.1~2011.12.31
- Po-Jui Chiang (2023, Aug). Adaptive Penalty Method with Adam Optimizer for Enhanced Convergence in Optical Waveguide Mode Solvers. Optics Express, 31 (17).
- Chih-Lung Tseng,Chien-Kun Wang,Chih-Hsien Lai,Cheng-Hsiung Tsai,Po-Jui Chiang* (2023, Apr). Excitation of Surface-Plasmon-Mode in Bulk Semiconductor Lasers. Applied Optics.
- Cheng-Hsiung Tsai, Yu-Da Lin, Cheng-Hong Yang, Chien-Kun Wang, Li-Chun Chiang*, and Po-Jui Chiang* (2023, Mar). A Biogeography-Based Optimization with a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure and the 2-Opt Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem. Sustainability, 15(6), 5111.
- Yi-Ru Huang, Yao-Ching Chiu, Kuan-Chieh Huang, Shao-Ying Ting, Po-Jui Chiang, Chih-Ming Lai, Chun-Ping Jen, Snow H. Tseng, Hsiang-Chen Wang (2018, May). Light extraction efficiency enhancement of flip-chip blue lightemitting diodes by anodic aluminum oxide. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. , 9, 1602–1612.
- Po-Jui Chiang* and Tien-Tsorng Shih (2017, Aug). Analysis of Leakage Loss in Silicon Photonics with Finite Gain Compensation. IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol.9, No. 4.

1. 發展高精準度之光波導或介質波導結構模態解法,採用數值技術包括有限差分法、譜方法等。其中在譜方法中已發表數篇的國際期刊了,而在時域有限差分法研發採用了電腦平行技術。
2. 研究各種纖維光學與積體光學元件並建立理論分析模型,相關元件包括融燒式光纖元件、研磨式光纖元件、方向性耦合元件、極化相關型元件、光柵元件等。
3. 發展適用於光電應用之先進時域電磁分析與模擬方法,包括在光子晶體、奈米光電、與電漿子學之應用。
4. 研究光子晶體及相關元件,著重於導波光學與光子線路之應用,例如光子晶體光纖與光子晶體波導元件等。
1. 發展類頻法分析針形電漿電磁聲子波導管(國科會計畫)2007.11.1~2008.10.31
2. 發展類頻法在頻域上分析金屬/介質光波導與光柵結構2008.8.1~2010.8.31
3. 年南分院前瞻產學研共同研發計畫-脈衝雷射監控電路 2011.3.1~2011.12.31
4. 輝創汽車電子-車用電容感應自動開啟尾門系統 2015.9.1~2016.2.29
5. 豐年邑實業-車用電子藍芽應用與開發 2016.6.1~2017.5.31
6. 品臻科技-遠距電容是感測器檢測與技術服務 2016.6.1~2016.7.31
7. 晨興儀器有限公司-醫用電子Wi-Fi應用與開發 2016.12.1~2018.1.1
8. 國科會產學計畫-光學感測PM2.5成分分析污染來源追蹤之雲端系統 2018.7.1~2019.7.29
- P. J. Chiang*, C. L. Tseng, and C. K. Wang, “High-efficiency scattering field modeling in metallic components: a machine-learning-inspired approach,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 41, 1019-1026, 2024. (SCI).
- P. J. Chiang*, “Inverse Optical Waveguide Analysis: Leveraging Intensity Distributions to Infer Waveguide Structures,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 673-676, 15 May 15, 2024, doi: 10.1109/LPT.2024.3387086. (SCI).
- P. J. Chiang*, “Adaptive penalty method with an Adam optimizer for enhanced convergence in optical waveguide mode solvers,” Opt. Express 31, 28065-28077, 2023. (SCI).
- C. L. Tseng, C. K. Wang, C. H. Lai, C. H. Tsai, and P. J. Chiang* , “Excitation of Surface-Plasmon-Mode in Bulk Semiconductor Lasers,” Applied Optics, Vol. 62, No. 14, May, 2023. (SCI).
- C. H. Tsai, Y. D. Lin, C. H. Yang, C. K. Wang, L. C. Chiang*, and P. J. Chiang*, “A Biogeography-Based Optimization with a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure and the 2-Opt Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem,” Sustainability, Vol. 15, No. 6, Mar, 2023. (SCI).
- Y. R. Huang , Y. C. Chiu, K. C. Huang , S. Y. Ting , P. J. Chiang , C. M. Lai , C. P. Jen , S. H. Tseng, and H. C. Wang, “Light extraction efficiency enhancement of flip-chip blue light-emitting diodes by anodic aluminum oxide,” Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. vol. 9, May 2018.
- P. J. Chiang* and T. T. Shih, ” Analysis of Leakage Loss in Silicon Photonics with Finite Gain Compensation,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.9, 4 Aug. 2017. (SCI).
- C. L. Tseng, Y. W. Lin, P. J. Chiang*, Y. T. Cheng, J. J. Jou, and C. K. Liu “Wavelength-adjustable all optical wavelength conversion using a tunable fiber laser and an electro-absorption modulator,” Optica Applicata, vol. 46, issue 4, 2016. (SCI)
- Y. W. Lin, C. L. Tseng and P.J. Chiang*, “The Effect of Blended Learning on Student Achievement and Attitudes in a Seventh Grade Mathematics Course at a Public Secondary School in Taiwan,” Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, March (2016).(SSCI) (rank: 76/224)
- P. J. Chiang and S. W. Chang, “Efficient photonic-crystal mode solver: eigenvalue rather than generalized eigenvalue approach,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., accepted (2016). (SCI) (Optics rank: 4/70)
- H. Yang, M. W. Tsai , J. W. Lin, P. J. Chiang, ” ZnO:Ga nanowires with low turn-on field for field-emission lighting,” Appl. Surf. Sci. 356, (2015). (SCI)
- H. Yang, M. W. Tsai, J. W. Lin, P.J. Chiang, “ZnO:Ga nanowires with low turn-on field for field-emission lighting,” Ceramics International 41, (2015). (SCI)
- P. J. Chiang and S. W. Chang, “Design of metal-dielectric grating lasers only supporting surface-wave-like modes,” Opt. Express, 22, 27845 (2014). (SCI)(Optics rank: 3/70, Impact factor: 3.278)
- P. J. Chiang and S. W. Chang, “Frequency-domain formulation of photonic crystals using sources and gain,” Optics Express, Vol. 21, No. 2, Jan. 2013. (SCI)(Optics rank: 3/70, Impact factor: 3.278)
- P. J. Chiang, Y. C. Chiang, N. H. Sun, and S. X. Hong, “Analysis of optical waveguides with ultra-thin metal film based on the multidomain pseudospectral frequency-domain method,” Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 5, Feb. 2011. (SCI)(Optics rank: 3/70, Impact factor: 3.278)
- P. J. Chiang and H. C. Chang, “A high-accuracy pseudospectral full-vectorial leaky optical waveguide mode solver with carefully implemented UPML absorbing boundary conditions,” Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 2, Jan. 2011. (SCI)(Optics rank: 3/70, Impact factor: 3.278)
- P. J. Chiang and Y. C. Chiang, “Pseudospectral Frequency-Domain Formulae Based on Modified Perfectly Matched Layers for Calculating both Guided and Leaky Modes,” IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, Vol. 22, No. 12, Jun. 2010. (SCI)
- W. Chen, C. M. Chiu, C. H. Lai, J. L. Kuo, P. J. Chiang, H. C. Chang, and C. K. Sun, “Sub-Wavelength-Plastic Fiber Based Terahertz Coupler,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 27, No. 11, 1489–1494, Jun. 2009.(SCI)
- P. J. Chiang, C. L. Wu, C. H. Teng, C. S. Yang, and H. C. Chang, “Full-Vectorial Optical Waveguide Mode Solvers Using Multidomain Pseudospectral Frequency-Domain (PSFD) Formulations,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 56–66, Jan. 2008. (SCI)
- P. J. Chiang, C. P. Yu, and H. C. Chang, “Analysis of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Using a Multidomain Pseudospectral Method,” Physical Review E, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 026703-1–026703-14, 2007. (SCI)
- P. J. Chiang, C. P. Yu, and H. C. Chang, “Robust Calculation of Chromatic dispersion Coefficients of Optical Fibers from Numerically Determined Effective Indices Using Chebyshev-Lagrange Interpolation Polynomials,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 4411–4416, Nov. 2006. (SCI)
- H. C. Chang, P. J. Chiang, C. S. Yang, C. L. Wu, and C. H. Teng, “Full-Vectorial Optical Waveguide Eigenmode Solvers Based on Multidomain Pseudospectral Method,” International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 628–632, Aug. 2006.
- Bo-Ya Pan and Po-Jui Chiang, ”Applying Transformer Models and Custom Attention Mechanisms to Enhance Super-Resolution,” Taipei, ID:100255-001, (OPTIC 2024) Taiwan.
- Po-Jui Chiang, “Inverse identification and design approach for optical waveguide analysis,” Tainan, ID:0864, (OPTIC 2023) Taiwan
- Tien-Tsorng Shih , Jau-Ji Jou , Cheng-Hsiung Tsai , Yu-Feng Huang , Nai-Hsiang Sun , and Po-Jui Chiang,”Analysis of Waveguide Mode Excitation in Hybrid Semiconductor Lasers with Buried Oxide Thickness”, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Nai-Hsiang Sun, Li-Ti Kung, Hung-Liang Cheng, Po-Jui Chiang, “Ultra-Short Length of Couplers Padded with Gold Thin Films”, International Symposium on Next-Generation Electronics (ISNE 2015), pp.PT-20, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Po-jui Chiang, Nai-Hsiang Sun, “Surface Plasmon (SP) and Hybridity Surface Plasmoms (HSP) Modes in Waveguide Couplers”, IEEE ISNE 2014, pp.Y18-6, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- Po-Jui Chiang, Fang-Chi Li, Nai-Hsiang Sun, Chia-Ming Hu, “Analysis of Surface Plasmon Phenomenon of Multi-pair Array of Silver Nanocylinders and Design”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), pp.206, Taipei, Taiwan.
- P. J. Chiang and S. W. Chang, “Frequency-domain formulation of photonic eriodic structures–viewpoints of sources and gain,” International conferenceof optics and photonics, Taipei Taiwan, Dec. 6- (2012).
- P. J. Chiang, Nai-Hsiang Sun, Chia-Ming Hu, “Improving the Pseudospectral Optical Waveguide Mode Solver Using the Penalty Skill”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), pp.1A1-5, Suzhou, China, 2011.08
- P. J. Chiang, Nai-Hsiang Sun, “Computing Leaky Mode Based on Pseudospectral Method”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), pp.3P3-2, Xi’an, China, 2010.03
- P. J. Chiang, N. H. Sun, H. C. Chang, “Accurate Analysis of Plasmonic Structures Using the Multidomain”, in OSA 2010 Integrated Photonics Research and Applications (IPRA ’10)’.
- P. J. Chiang, N. H. Sun, H. C. Chang, “The Effect of Choosing PML Reflection-Coefficient Value on Numerical Accuracy in the Pseudospectral Leaky Waveguide Mode Solver”, in OSA 2009 Integrated Photonics Research and Applications (IPRA ’09)’.
- P. J. Chiang, N. H. Sun, H. C. Chang, “Using the Penalty Method for Imposing Boundary Conditions in the Pseudospectral Optical Waveguide Mode Solver ”, in OSA 2008 Integrated Photonics Research and Applications (IPRA ’08)’.
- Y. C. Tsai, B. R. Jiang (P. J. Chiang), and H. C. Chang, “On the Convergence Characteristics of the Modal Analysis of Fused Fiber-Optic Couplers,” in Proceedings of the 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR 2003), Vol. II, p. 599, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 15–19, 2003.
- H. C. Chang and P. J. Chiang, “Calculation of Photonic Crystal Band Diagrams Using a Multidomain Pseudospectral Method,” in Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2005), paper Sa2-6, Grenoble, France, April 8–9, 2005.
- P. J. Chiang, C. S. Yang, C. L. Wu, C. H. Teng, and H. C. Chang, “Application of Pseudospectral Methods to Optical Waveguide Mode Solvers,” in OSA 2005 Integrated Photonics Research and Applications (IPRA ’05) Technical Digest (CD-ROM), paper IMG4, San Diego, California, April 11–13, 2005.
- H. C. Chang, P. J. Chiang, C. S. Yang, C. L. Wu, and C. H. Teng, “Full-vectorial Optical Waveguide Eigenmode Solvers Based on Multidomain Pseudospectral Methods,” to be presented at the 10th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT-2005), Fukuoka, Japan, August 22–25, 2005. (Invited paper)
- H. C. Chang and P. J. Chiang, “Pseudospectral Analysis of Photonic Crystal Structures,” presented at Workshop on Photonic Crystals and Nano-Photonics, p.11 in Abstract Book, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., November 4–5, 2005. (Invited paper)
- P. J. Chiang and H. C. Chang, “Modal Analysis of Fused-Fiber-Coupler Structures Using Pseudospectral Methods,” Taiwan ’05 (OPT ’05) (CD-ROM), paper B-SA-IV12-1, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., December 9–10, 2005.
- H. C. Chang and P. J. Chiang, “A Multidomain Pseudospectral Method for the Analysis of Unconventional Optical Waveguide Structures,” presented at Symposium on Optical Communication Technologies, pp.29–30 in Symposium Digest, National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., February 23–24, 2006. (Invited paper)
- P. J. Chiang and H. C. Chang, “Analysis of Leaky Optical Waveguides Using Pseudospectral Methods,” in OSA 2006 Integrated Photonics Research and Applications (IPRA ’06) Technical Digest (CD ROM), paper ITuA3 , Uncasville, Connecticut, April 24–26, 2006.
- P. J. Chiang, C. P. Yu, and H. C. Chang, “Robust Numerical Calculation of Chromatic Dispersion Coefficients of Optical Fibers Using Chebyshev-Lagrange Interpolation Polynomials,” in The 11th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2006) Technical Digest (CD ROM), paper 3P-012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., July 3–7, 2006.
- H. C. Chang and P. J. Chiang, “Full-Vectorial Pseudospectral Frequency-Domain Method for Optical Waveguide Analysis,” in 2006 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2006-TOKYO) Abstracts, p. 235, Tokyo, Japan, August 2–5, 2006.
- H. C. Chang, C. P. Yu, P. J. Chiang, and S. M. Hsu, “Development and Applications of High-Accuracy Optical Waveguide Eigenmode Solvers,” presented at International Workshop on Photonics and Display Technologies, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., September 22–23, 2006. (Invited paper)
李典勳, 王意文, 陳夢群, 江柏叡, “用[aI]灌溉” ,萬潤2018創新創意競賽榮獲佳作
Po-Jui Chiang and Cheng-Hsiung Tsai, “尾門自動感應控制系統”,台南2016車用電子創新發明競賽榮獲季軍
Shih-Chiang Lin, Nai-Hsiang Sun, Po-Jui Chiang(發明人), I-Shou University,(專利權人), “Quasi-phase Matched Optical Waveguide For Preventing Back Conversion” ,發明, US 8,358,460,B2, 國外, U.S.A.,專利取得日期 2013.01.22,有效日期 2010.04.13~2020.04.13
林士強;孫迺翔;江柏叡(發明人), 義守大學,(專利權人), “具有能量補償之波導裝置” ,發明, I407232, 國內, 中華民國,專利取得日期 2013.09.01,有效日期 2011.06.16~2031.06.16