107學年度第2學期電子系博士班資格考結果 The Result of the Qualifying Examination for year 2019 , The Spring Semester |
no | 學號 (Student ID) |
組別 (Group) |
本次應考科目 (Subject) |
結果 (Result) |
1 | 1100405101 | 電子組 Electronic |
電子電路 Microelectronic Circuits |
不通過 (Fail) |
2 | 1100405101 | 電子組 Electronic |
類比積體電路設計 Analog Integrated Circuits Design |
不通過 (Fail) |
3 | 1102405107 | 電信組 Communication & System |
模糊理論應用 Applications of The FuzzyTheory |
不通過 (Fail) |
4 | 1102405108 | 電信組 Communication & System |
模糊理論應用 Applications of The FuzzyTheory |
不通過 (Fail) |
5 | 1103405110 | 光通組 Photonics |
工程數學 Engineering Mathematics |
通過 (Pass) |
6 | 1105405104 | 醫電組 Medical Electronic |
放射物理學 The Physics of Radiation Therapy |
不通過 (Fail) |
7 | 1105405104 | 醫電組 Medical Electronic |
醫用電子 Medical Electronic |
通過 (Pass) |
8 | 1106405102 | 電信組 Communication & System |
工程數學 Engineering Mathematics |
不通過 (Fail) |
9 | 1106405107 | 醫電組 Medical Electronic |
醫用電子 Medical Electronic |
撤銷 (Cancel) |
10 | 1106405112 | 資訊組 Information |
計算機概論 Introduction to Computer |
不通過 (Fail) |
11 | I107152102 | 電信組 Communication & System |
電腦通信網路 Computer Networks |
通過 (Pass) |
12 | I107152105 | 資訊組 Information |
影像視訊處理 Image and Video Processing |
通過 (Pass) |
13 | I107152109 | 醫電組 Medical Electronic |
放射物理學 The Physics of Radiation Therapy |
通過 (Pass) |
14 | I107152111 | 光通組 Photonics |
半導體製程 Semiconductor Manufacturing |
不通過 (Fail) |