朱紹儀Shao-I Chu - 資訊(資訊與數位IC設計)組, AI資安組

英文名字: | Shao-I Chu |
分 機: | 15661 |
電子郵件: | erwinchu@nkust.edu.tw |
學 歷: | 國立台灣大學電機工程博士 |
專 長: | 計算機網路 通訊系統 編碼理論 FPGA演算法實作 |
[2] Signal Processing and Communication Electronics(SPEC) in IEEE Communication Society, Technical Committee Member
[3] Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I Regular Paper, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
[4] 2017 行動計算研討會(Mobile Computing Workshop),海報論文展示評審。
[5] The 3rd International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD 2016),Session Chair。
[6] 2016 行動計算研討會(Mobile Computing Workshop),實作展示評審。
Research Interests
Digital Circuit Design and FPGA Prototyping
DSP Algorithm and Architecture
Error Correcting Codes and Post-Quantum Cryptography
Computer Networks and Communication Systems
Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning
具有效率並結合提早中斷條件的ORBGRAND通用解碼器的硬體設計與實現(NSTC 113-2221-E-992 -058),主持人,2024/8/1~2025/7/31
BRLWE為基礎的後量子密碼硬體設計與實現(MOST 112-2221-E-992-092),主持人,2023/8/1~2024/7/31
應用於WBAN之低複雜度BCH解碼器硬體設計(MOST 111-2221-E-992-076 ),主持人,2022/8/1~2023/7/31
應用於邊緣運算之隨機計算支援向量機硬體實現(MOST 110-2221-E-992 -096 ),主持人,2021/8/1~2022/7/31
採用亂數共享技術之隨機計算為基礎的多項式計算與應用(MOST 109-2221-E-992 -080 ),主持人,2020/8/1~2021/7/31
隨機計算元件設計與應用(MOST 108-2637-E-992-010),主持人,2019/8/1~2020/7/31
無線感測網路下抗獨立攻擊與共謀之安全定位研究(MOST 106-2221-E-151 -002),主持人,2017/8/1~2018/8/31
物聯網輕量級認證協定設計與資料加密演算法實作(MOST 105-2221-E-151 -042 ),主持人,2016/8/1~2017/7/31
基於Android平台且具錯誤更正與隱私保護的雲端儲存系統之設計與實作(MOST 104-2221-E-151-020),主持人,2015/8/1~2016/7/31
非侵入式皮膚訊號偵測與生理感知之研究 (義守大學校內產學計畫),子計畫主持人,2012/1/1~2012/12/31
* Book Chapter:
- H. L. Wang, S.-I Chu*, J.-H. Yan, Y.-J. Huang, I-Y. Fang, S. Y. Pan, W.-C. Lin, C.-T. Hsu, C.-L. Hung, T.-C. Lin and T.-T. Shen (October 30th 2020). Blockchain-Based Medical Record Management with Biofeedback Information, Smart Biofeedback – Perspectives and Applications, Edward Da-Yin Liao, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.94370.
* Journal:
- S.-I Chu* and S.-A. Ke, “Area-Time Efficient Hardware Implementation for Binary Ring-LWE Based Post-Quantum Cryptography,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, early access, 2024
- Dung H. P. Nguyen, C.-C. Lin, Tu N. Nguyen, S.-I Chu and B.-H. Liu*, “Service Recovery in NFV-Enabled Networks: Algorithm Design and Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 800-813, 2024
- S.-I Chu*, C.-L. Wu, T.-H. Chien, B.-H. Liu and Tu N. Nguyen, “Stochastic Circuits for Computing Weighted Ratio with Applications to Multi-class Bayesian Inference Machine,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 621-630, 2024.2.
- Dung H. P. Nguyen, Y.-H. Lien, B.-H. Liu, S.-I Chu and Tu N. Nguyen, “Virtual Network Function Placement for Serving Weighted Services in NFV-Enabled Networks,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 5648-5659, 2023.12.
- S.-I Chu*, S.-A. Ke, S.-J. Liu and Y.-W. Lin, “An Efficient Hard-detection GRAND Decoder for Systematic Linear Block Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1852-1864, 2023.11.
- Dung H. P. Nguyen, Vinh V. Le, Tu N. Nguyen, B.-H. Liu, S.-I Chu and S.-M. Hu, “Minimizing Deployment Cost for Vehicular Sensor Networks in Air Monitoring Applications,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 22, pp. 22220-22231, 2022.11.
- Tu N. Nguyen, Vinh V. Le, S.-I Chu*, B.-H. Liu and Y.-C. Hsu, “Secure Localization Algorithms Against Localization Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 127, pp. 767-792, 2022.11.
- S.-I Chu*, C.-L. Wu, Tu N. Nguyen and B.-H. Liu, “Polynomial Computation Using Unipolar Stochastic Logic and Correlation Technique,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 1358-1371, 2022.6.
- Vinh V. Le, Dung H. P. Nguyen, H.-D. Wang, B.-H. Liu and S.-I Chu, “Efficient UAV Scheduling for Air Pollution Source Detection From Chimneys in an Industrial Area,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 20, 19983-19994, 2022.10.
- Tu N. Nguyen, B.-H. Liu*, S.-I Chu, D.-T. Do and T. D. Nguyen, “WRSNs: Toward an Efficient Scheduling for Mobile Chargers,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 6753-6761, 2020.6.
- S.-I Chu*, “New Divider Design for Stochastic Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 147-151, 2020.1.
- S. -I Chu*, B.‐H. Liu and N.‐T. Nguyen, “Secure AF Relaying with Efficient Partial Relay Selection Scheme,” International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 32, no. 15, 2019. 10.
- S.-I Chu*, C.-E. Hsieh and Y.-J. Huang,“Design of FSM-based Function with Reduced Number of States in Integral Stochastic Computing,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1475-1479, 2019.6.
- N.‐T. Nguyen, B.‐H. Liu*, S.‐I Chu and H.-Z. Weng,“Challenges, Designs, and Performances of a Distributed Algorithm for Minimum-Latency of Data-Aggregation in Multi-Channel WSNs,”IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 192-205, 2019.3.
- S.-I Chu*, “Secrecy Analysis of Modify-and-Forward Relaying with Relay Selection,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 1796-1809, 2019.2.
- S.-I Chu*, “Secrecy Performance Analysis of AF Relaying with Relay Selection Scheme over Nakagami-m Fading Channels,” International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 31, no. 14, 2018.9.
- N.‐T. Nguyen*, M. C. Leu, S. Zeadally, B.‐H. Liu and S.‐I Chu,“Optimal solution for data collision avoidance in radio frequency identification networks,”Internet Technology Letters, vol. 1, no. 3, 2018.5.
- S.-I Chu*, Y. J. Huang and W.-C. Lin, “Authentication Protocol Design and Low-Cost Key Encryption Function Implementation for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 2718-2725, 2017.12.
- S.-I Chu*, C.-Y. Lien and C.-L. Chiu, “Performance of Switching-based Partial Relay Selection Scheme for Amplify-and-Forward Cognitive Relay Networks,” IET Communications, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 1480-1492, 2016.8.
- P.-Y. Chen*, C.-C. Chen, W.-K. Yeh, Y. Chang, D.-C. Huang, S.-S. Yu, C.-S. Tsai, Y.-J. Huang, W.-C. Lin, S.-I Chu, C.-L. Pan, T.-H. Lin and S.-C. Liu, “Using Capacitance Sensor to Extract Characteristic Signals of Dozing from Skin Surface,” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2014, Article ID 238350, 7 pages, 2014.
- S.-I Chu*, “SER and PER Performance of Packet Decode-and-Forward Relaying with Generalized Order Selection Combining,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 449-452, 2014.10.
- Y.-R. Chien* and S.-I Chu, “A Fast Converging Partial Update LMS Algorithm with Random Combining Strategy,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1883-1898, 2014.6.
- S.-I Chu*, H.-P. Lee, H.-C. Chang and W.-C. Lin, “On the Performance of Amplify-and-Forward Protocol with Generalized Order Selection Combining,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (European Transactions on Telecommunications), vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 461-467, 2014.4.
- S.-I Chu*, “Outage Probability and DMT Performance of Underlay Cognitive Networks with Incremental DF and AF Relaying over Nakagami-m Fading Channel,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 62-65, 2014.1.
- H.-P. Lee*, S.-I Chu and H.-C. Chang, “ Efficient Decoding of the (23, 12, 7) Golay Code up to Five Errors,” Information Sciences, vol. 253, pp. 170-178, 2013.12.
- S.-I Chu*, W.-C. Lin, H.-P. Lee and H.-C. Chang, “Performance Analysis and Power Allocation for Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Communications over Rician Fading Channels,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 13, no. 16, pp. 1464-1481, 2013.11.
- H.-P. Lee*, H.-C. Chang and S.-I Chu, “Algebraic Decoding of the Binary Systematic (71, 36, 11) Quadratic Residue Code,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 399-404, 2013.
- H.-P. Lee*, H.-C. Chang and S.-I Chu, “High-Speed Decoding of the Binary Golay Code,” Journal of Applied Research and Technology, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 331-337, 2013.06.
- S.-I Chu*, H.-C. Chang and H.-P. Lee, “Asymptotic Performance of Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Diversity Networks with the Nth Best Relay over Rician Fading Channels,” European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 327-333, 2012.6.
- S.-I Chu*, “Performance of Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Diversity Networks with Generalized Selection Combining over Nakagami-m Fading Channels,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 16, no. 5, 2012.5.
- S.-I Chu*, “Comments on ‘On the Performance Analysis of Multirelay Cooperative Diversity Systems With Channel Estimation Errors’,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61, no. 2, pp.821-813, 2012.2.
- S.-I Chu, H.-P. Lee* and H.-C. Chang, “Fast Decoding of the (23, 12, 7) Golay Code with Four-Error-Correcting Capability,” European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 388-395, 2011.11.
- S.-I Chu, H.-C. Chang, H.-P. Lee*, T.-C. Lin and W.-C. Lin, “Decoding of the (31, 16, 7) Quadratic Residue Code Up to Four Errors,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1-8, 2011.7.
- S.-I Chu*, “Performance of Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Communications with the Nth Best-Relay Selection Scheme over Nakagami-m Fading Channels,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 172-174, 2011.2.
- S.-I Chu*, “Comments on ‘Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Opportunistic Relaying in Rician Fading’,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 142-143, 2011.2.
- T.-C. Lin, H.-P. Lee*, H.-C. Chang, S.-I Chu and T.-K. Truong, “High Speed Decoding of the Binary (47, 24, 11) Quadratic Residue Code,” Information Sciences, vol. 180, no. 20, pp. 4060-4068, 2010.10.
- T.-C. Lin, H.-C. Chang, H.-P. Lee*, S.-I Chu and T.-K. Truong, “Decoding of the (31, 16, 7) Quadratic Residue Code,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 573-580, 2010.6.
- S.-I Chu* and S.-C. Chang, “Time-of-day Internet Access Management by Combining Empirical Data-based Pricing with Quota-based Priority Control,” IET Communications, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 587-596, 2007.8.
- T.-C. Lin, Y. S. Sun, S.-C. Chang*, S.-I Chu, Y.-T. Chou and M.-W. Li, “Management of Abusive and Unfair Internet Access by Quota-based Priority Control,” Computer Networks, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 441-462, 2004.3.
* Conference (Since 2018~):
- S.-I Chu, Z.-H. Zhuang, S.-J. Liu*, C.-Y. Lien and Y.-L. Huang, “Booth Multiplier with Adjustable Widths Based on Probability Estimation Approach,” 2023 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023), Nara, Japan, 2023.10.
- Y.-H. Huang, G.-W. Zhang, S.-I Chu, B.-H. Liu, C.-Y. Lien and S.-W. Huang, “Design of Logarithmic Number System for LSTM,”9th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2023 (IEEE ICASI 2023), Chiba, Japan, 2023.4.
- S.-I Chu, J.-H. Yan, T.-H. Chien, B.-H. Liu, C.-Y. Lien and X.-R. Yu (2022, Oct). Hardware Implementation of Multi-kernel Function for Support Vector Machine Classification Using Stochastic Logic. 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), Osaka, Japan.
- W.-S. Jhong, S.-I Chu, Y.-J. Huang, T.-Y. Hsu, W.-C. Lin, P. Huang and J.-J. Wang, “Deep Learning Hardware/Software Co-Design for Heart Sound Classification,” 2020 International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 2020, pp. 27-28.
- S.-I Chu, C.-E. Hsieh, Y.-M. Lee and S. A. Salehi (2020, Jul). Enhanced Architecture for Computing Polynomials Using Unipolar Stochastic Logic. IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI 2020) (Full Paper), Limassol, Cyprus.
- S.-I Chu, Y.-M. Lee, C.-E. Hsieh, J.-H. Yen and Y.-J. Huang (2019, Oct). Stochastic Circuit Design of Image Contrast Stretching. 16th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2019), JeJu, Korea.
- Y.-J Huang, M.-J. Li, W.-S. Jhong and S.-I Chu (2019, Oct). Reconfigurable Activation Functions for Neural Networks Application. 22nd Workshop on Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed Information Technology (SASIMI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- M.-J. Li, A.-H. Li, Y.-J. Huang and S.-I Chu (2019, Mar). Implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning. The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and System (ICISS 2019), Tokyo, Japan.
- H.-B. Hu, H.-C. Chang, S.-I Chu, Y.-J. Huang and C.-H. Hsieh (2018, Aug). Hardware Implementation of Improved Goertzel Algorithm over Finite Fields. 2018 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2018).
- M.-J. Li, Y.-J Huang, S.-I Chu, W.-S. Jhong and N.-T. Nguyen (2018, Aug). FPGA Implementation of Various Activation Functions for Deep Neural Networks. 2018 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2018). (Best Student Presentation Award)
指導學生榮獲『2024大學校院積體電路設計競賽研究所組標準元件電路設計組 』進入複賽與設計完成獎。
指導學生榮獲『2024大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部組標準元件電路設計組 』進入複賽。
指導學生榮獲『2023大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部標準元件電路設計組 』佳作與完成證明。
指導學生榮獲『2023大學校院積體電路設計競賽研究所組標準元件電路設計組 』進入複賽。
指導學生 榮獲『2020大學校院積體電路設計競賽大學部標準元件電路設計組』 設計完成獎
指導學生榮獲 2018 Taiwan and Japan Conference on Circuits and Systems (TJCAS 2018) Best Student Presentation Award