
周肇基Jau-Ji Jou - 電信組

英文名字: Jau-Ji Jou
分  機: 15653
電子郵件: jjjou@nkust.edu.tw
學  歷: 國立台灣科技大學 電子工程博士
專  長: 光纖通訊


  1. 積體電路設計相關軟體
  2. 光纖感測實現相關元件與設備


  1. 摻鉺光纖光放大器之分析與研究
  2. 光纖通訊高速光接收與發射積體電路設計
  3. 電壓控制振盪器、鎖相迴路、時脈與資料回復電路之設計
  4. 積體電路電磁干擾與耐受之研究
  5. 光纖聲波感測之分析與研究


  1. 主持人,「高速多通道並列光傳輸光收發器電路與模組之研究與設計」,NSC 101-2221-E-151-046-,執行期間:101年8月1日至102年7月31日。
  2. 主持人,「高速串列鏈路內建自我測試技術之研究」,MOST 103-2221-E-151-006-,執行期間:103年8月1日至104年7月31日。
  3. 主持人,「高速串列鏈路晶片上訊號品質測試技術之研究」,MOST 105-2221-E-151-002-,執行期間:105年8月1日至106年7月31日。
  4. 主持人,「光纖聲波感測器陣列研製與聲源定位應用」,MOST 107-2637-E-992-011-,執行期間:107年8月1日至108年7月31日。
  5. 共同主持人,「多熱點偵測之溫度感應系統與延伸之可測試性技術(I)」,MOST 104-2221-E-151-035-,執行期間:104年8月1日至105年7月31日。
  6. 共同主持人,「多通道多模態面射型雷射及檢光器之高速400Gbps光收發模組關鍵性技術研究(1/3)」,MOST 104-2218-E-005-004-,執行期間:104年8月1日至105年7月31日。
  7. 共同主持人,「多通道多模態面射型雷射及檢光器之高速400Gbps光收發模組關鍵性技術研究(2/3)」,MOST 105-2218-E-005-003-,執行期間:105年8月1日至106年7月31日。
  8. 共同主持人,「多通道多模態面射型雷射及檢光器之高速400Gbps光收發模組關鍵性技術研究(3/3)」,MOST 106-2218-E-005-001-,執行期間:106年8月1日至107年7月31日。
  9. 共同主持人,「邁向新世代1.6兆位元矽光子平台光收發模組之研究(1/4)」,MOST 107-2218-E-992-304-,執行期間:107年8月1日至108年7月31日。



  1. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, and T.-Y. Wu, “VCSEL driver with synthesis of 25-Gb/s PAM-4 signal in 90-nm CMOS technology,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, online publication, Nov. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10470-022-02111-1
  2. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, and H.-W. Hsu, “32-Gb/s NRZ and 40-Gb/s PAM-4 transimpedance amplifier paralleling with a differentiator for bandwidth enhancement in 90-nm CMOS technology,” Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 621-635, Feb. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s00034-021-01826-2
  3. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, C.-C. Peng, H.-W. Hsu, and X.-Y. Ye, “Inductorless broadband transimpedance amplifier for 25-Gb/s NRZ and 50-Gb/s PAM-4 operations in a 90-nm CMOS technology,” Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 304-310, Oct. 2021. DOI: 10.5573/JSTS.2021.21.5.304
  4. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, and T.-Y. Wu, “A 50-Gb/s PAM-4 VCSEL diode driver in 90-nm CMOS technology,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 63, No. 6, pp. 1682-1687, June 2021. DOI: 10.1002/mop.32790
  5. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, and C.-L. Chiu, “400-Gb/s optical transmitter and receiver modules for on-board interconnects using polymer waveguide arrays,” OSA Continuum, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 658-667, Oct. 2018. DOI: 10.1364/OSAC.1.000658
  6. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, Z.-X. Su, C.-Y. Liao, and W. Wang, “Low-cost coaxial DFB LD transmitter optical subassembly for 25-Gb/s NRZ and 50-Gb/s PAM-4 transmissions,” IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 12, Iss. 5, pp. 233-238, Oct. 2018. DOI: 10.1049/iet-opt.2018.0027
  7. H.-Y. Kao, Z.-X. Su, H.-S. Shih, Y.-C. Chi, C.-T. Tsai, H.-C. Kuo, C.-H. Wu, J.-J. Jou, T.-T. Shih, and G.-R. Lin*, “CWDM DFBLD transmitter module for 10-km inter-data center with single-channel 50-Gbit/s PAM-4 and 62-Gbit/s QAM-OFDM,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 703-711, Feb. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2017.2777822
  8. H.-Y. Kao, Y.-C. Chi, C.-T. Tsai, S.-F. Leong, C.-Y. Peng, H.-Y. Wang, J. J. Huang, J.-J. Jou, T.-T. Shih, H.-C. Kuo, W.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, and G.-R. Lin*, “Few-mode VCSEL chip for 100-Gb/s transmission over 100 m multimode fiber,” Photonics Research, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 507-515, Oct. 2017.
  9. C.-T. Tsai, C.-Y. Peng, Y.-C. Wu; S.-F. Leong,H.-Y. Kao,H.-Y. Wang,Y.-W. Chen,Z.-K. Weng,Y.-C. Chi,H.-C. Kuo,J.-J. Huang,T.-C. Lee,T.-T. Shih,J.-J. Jou, W.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, and G.-R. Lin*, “Multi-mode VCSEL chip with high-indium-density InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well pairs for QAM-OFDM in multi-mode fiber,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 4, p. 2400608, Aug. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/JQE.2017.2703645
  10. H.-Y. Kao, C.-T. Tsai, S.-F. Leong, C.-Y. Peng, Y.-C. Chi, J.-J. Huang, H.-C. Kuo, T.-T. Shih, J.-J. Jou, W.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, and G.-R. Lin*, “Comparison of single-/few-/multi-mode 850 nm VCSELs for optical OFDM transmission,” Optics Express, Vol. 25, No. 14, pp. 16347-16363, Jul. 2017. DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.016347
  11. T.-T. Shih*, Y.-C. Chi, R.-N. Wang, C.-H. Wu, J.-J. Huang, J.-J. Jou, T.-C. Lee, H.-C. Kuo, G.-R. Lin, and W.-H. Cheng, “Efficient heat dissipation of uncooled 400-Gbps (16×25-Gbps) optical transceiver employing multimode VCSEL and PD arrays,” Scientific Reports, 7, 46608, Apr. 2017. DOI: 10.1038/srep46608
  12. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, C.-Y. Wu, and Z.-X. Su, “Low-cost TO-CAN package combined with flexible and hard printed circuit boards for 25-Gb/s optical subassembly modules,” Opt. Eng., Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 026108, Feb. 2017. DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.56.2.026108


  1. 葉宣熠、周肇基*、施天從、曾志隆,「使用40 nm CMOS製程之四通道400-Gb/s四階脈波振幅調變轉阻放大器陣列」,第十八屆全國電子設計創意競賽暨學術研討會,高雄,台灣,2022年3月26日。
  2. 鄭鈞元、周肇基*、楊淳良、曾志隆,「以FPGA實現用於25 Gb/s非歸零傳輸之新型人工神經網路自適應前饋均衡器」,第十八屆全國電子設計創意競賽暨學術研討會,高雄,台灣,2022年3月26日。
  3. C.-C. Yao, J.-Y. Zheng, J.-J. Jou* and C.-L. Yang, “Performance Monitoring of High-Speed NRZ Signals Using Machine Learning Techniques,” in 2021 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), P1-25, Hualien,Taiwan, 16-19 Nov., 2021.
  4. H.-W. Hsu, X.-Y. Ye, J.-J. Jou*, and T.-T. Shih, “A 40-Gb/s NRZ inductorless transimpedance amplifier in a 0.18-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology,” in 2021 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), P1-24, Hualien,Taiwan, 16-19 Nov., 2021.
  5. 楊正宏*、陳文慶、丁羿廷、周肇基,「台灣地區能源發電量預測模型之研究」,第十九屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會,金門,台灣,Session A5-2,2021年5月28日。
  6. 黃明祥、周肇基*、施天從,「50 Gb/s非歸零與100 Gb/s四階脈波振幅調變光調變器驅動電路設計」,第十七屆全國電子設計創意競賽暨學術研討會,B04,高雄,台灣,2021年3月27日。
  7. 楊勝傑、周肇基*、呂庭嘉,「基於薩格納克干涉器之四通道光纖聲波感測器陣列」,第十七屆全國電子設計創意競賽暨學術研討會,B08,高雄,台灣,2021年3月27日。
  8. 畢國信、李岳翰、周家洋、周肇基*,「被動式LC壓力感測器無線讀取外部線圈之模擬與量測」,第十七屆全國電子設計創意競賽暨學術研討會,B09,高雄,台灣,2021年3月27日。
  9. 薛裕豐、侯奕丞、施天從*、周肇基,「垂直共振腔面射型雷射高頻分析與溫度特性」,第21屆民生電子研討會,A05-04,高雄,台灣,2020年12月11日。
  10. H. Wu, P.-H. Tseng, C.-N. Liu, J.-J. Jou, W.-H. Cheng, Y.-D. Wu, P.-J. Chiang, T.-J. Hsueh, and T.-T. Shih, “Design of optical transmitter module for O-band silicon photonic engine,” in 2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 2209-2214, 3-30 June, 2020.
  11. I.-C. Hou, P.-H. Tseng, J.-J. Jou, C.-H. Chang, Y.-D. Wu, P.-J. Chiang, T.-J. Hsueh, and T.-T. Shih, “Design of 4-channel 25 Gbaud/s PAM-4 optical transmitter module for short reach applications,” in 2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), pp. 2272-2277, 3-30 June, 2020.
  12. H.-W. Hsu, C.-C. Peng, J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, Y.-D. Wu, S.-I Chu, C.-Y. Lien, and B.-H. Liu, “25 Gb/s NRZ and 50 Gb/s PAM-4 transimpedance amplifier with active feedback and equalization in 90 nm CMOS technology,” in 2019 International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS 2019), Prague, Paper #3 , July 26-28, 2019.
  13. K.-T. Lin, Y.-C. Lin, T.-T. Shih*, J.-J. Jou, P.-J. Chiang, and Y.-D. Wu, “Design and testing of a 25 Gb/s NRZ and 50 Gb/s PAM-4 optical receiver module for 400 Gb/s short-reach applications,” in International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISCEAS 2019), Hong Kong, ISCEAS-0195, June 4-6, 2019.
  14. T.-C. Lu, C.-C. Peng, J.-J. Jou*, B.-H. Liu, S.-I Chu, and C.-L. Chiu, “Design of a 25-Gb/s PAM-4 transimpedance amplifier with high linearity in 90-nm CMOS technology,” in International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISCEAS 2019), Hong Kong, ISCEAS-0200, June 4-6, 2019.
  15. J.-Y. Lai, C.-Y. Liao, J.-J. Jou, T.-T. Shih*, and P.-J. Chiang, “Design of high-speed optical receiver module for 160Gb/S NRZ and 200Gb/S PAM4 transmissions,” in 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2019), Sapporo, Japan, ID: 1134, May 26-29, 2019.
  16. T.-Y. Wu, J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, P.-J. Chiang, and Y.-D. Wu, “Design of a 25-Gb/s PAM-4 VCSEL diode driver with an equalizer in 90-nm CMOS technology,” in 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2019), Sapporo, Japan, ID: 1354, May 26-29, 2019.
  17. S.-I Chu*, S.-T. Liao, C.-Y. Lien, C.-L. Chiu, J.-J. Jou, C.-E. Hsieh, “Routing mechanism for VANET by integrating AODV and network coding,” in The 9th International Congress on Engineering and Information (2019 ICEAI), Osaka, Japan, ICEAI-0202, May 7-9, 2019.
  18. J.-Y. Lai, J.-J. Jou, and T.-T. Shih, “25-Gb/s SFP28 LR optical transceiver modules with optimized via-hole design of multi-layer PCB,” in Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2018), Tainan, Taiwan, ID: 0072, Dec. 6-8, 2018.
  19. C.-H. Chang, G.-T. Lin, Y.-C. Lin, J.-J. Jou, and T.-T. Shih*, “Design of 100-Gb/s SWDM optical transceiver module for short reach transmissions,” in Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2018), Tainan, Taiwan, ID: 0228, Dec. 6-8, 2018.
  20. C.-L. Chiu*, Y.-H. Liao, C.-Y. Lien, J.-J. Jou, B.-H. Liu, and S.-I Chu, “The output power of multimode waveguide coupler with the low-loss linear tapered waveguide is enhanced on a SOI chip,” in 2018 International Congress on Engineering and Information, Hokkaido, Japan, ICEAI-0108, May 1-4, 2018.
  21. C.-C. Peng, J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, and C.-L. Chiu, “High linearity transimpedance amplifier in 0.18-μm CMOS technology for 20-Gb/s PAM-4 receivers,” in International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2017), Seoul, Korea, A20170714-0131, Nov. 5-8, 2017.
  22. C.-H. Wu, J.-J. Jou*, H.-W. Ting, S.-I Chu, and B.-H. Liu, “Multi-channel multi-gigabit PRBS generator with a built-in clock in 0.18-μm CMOS technology,” in International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2017), Seoul, Korea, A20170714-0130, Nov. 5-8, 2017.
  23. C.-L. Chiu, Y.-H. Liao, J.-J. Jou, S.-I Chu, and C.-Y. Lien, “Analysis of dissipating heat substrate applied through glass via filled with various conductive materials,” in 2017 International Congress on Engineering and Information, Kyoto, Japan, ICEAI-0024, May 9-11, 2017.
  24. H.-Y. Kao, C.-T. Tsai, C.-Y. Peng, S.-F. Liang, Z.-K. Weng, Y.-C. Chi, H.-C. Kuo, J.-J. Huang, T.-C. Lee, T.-T. Shih, J.-J. Jou, W.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, and G.-R. Lin*, “Few-mode 850-nm VCSEL chip with direct 16-QAM OFDM encoding at 80-Gbit/s for 100-m OM4 MMF link,” in 2017 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, California, USA, Th2A.38, March 19-23, 2017.


  1. 施天從、周肇基、馬奕先,「供射頻裝置訊號連接的高頻接頭裝置,及用於設置高頻接頭的電路板」中華民國發明專利,發明第I550968號,專利權期間:2016年9月21日至2034年8月20日。
  2. 陳昭和、周肇基、張子星,「移動攝影機之畫面穩定方法」,中華民國發明專利,發明第I496115號,專利權期間:2015年8月11日至2033年12月4日。
  3. 周肇基、林皓宇,「具有重疊式多重迴路之電壓控制環型振盪器」,中華民國發明專利,發明第I477060號,專利權期間:2015年3月11日至2029年10月1日。
  4. 施天從、朱訓賢、曾培豪、周肇基、詹正義,「對稱型電容補償式高速罐型光封裝模組」,中華民國發明專利,發明第I464813號,專利權期間:2014年12月11日至2032年4月25日。
  5. 周肇基、劉政光、張桓嘉,「可接收無線訊號之被動光學網路傳輸系統」,中華民國發明專利,發明第I416884號,專利權期間:2013年11月21日至2028年9月3日。
  6. 周肇基、黃宇志、劉政光、曾志隆,「多段式長波段摻鉺光纖放大器」,中華民國發明專利,發明第I400903號,專利權期間:2013年7月1日至2028年1月29日。
  7. 刘政光、李三良、曾志隆、周肇基、林淑娟,「可调式掺稀土族元素光纤激光光源的双向传输网络装置」,中华人民共和国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 2008 2 0179601. 3,专利权期间:2009年09月02日至2018年11月27日。
  8. 劉政光、李三良、曾志隆、周肇基、林淑娟,「基於可調式摻稀土族元素光纖雷射光源之雙向傳輸網路裝置」,中華民國新型專利,新型第M347761號,專利權期間:2008年12月21日至2018年08月21日。
  9. 劉政光、周肇基,「以等效電路描述摻鉺光纖放大器特性之方法」,中華民國發明專利,發明第196529號,專利權期間:2004年1月21日至2023年1月9日。


  1. 摻鉺光纖光放大器之分析與研究
  2. 光纖通訊高速光接收與發射積體電路設計
  3. 電壓控制振盪器、鎖相迴路、時脈與資料回復電路之設計
  4. 積體電路電磁干擾與耐受之研究
  5. 光纖聲波感測之分析與研究


  1. 主持人,「高速多通道並列光傳輸光收發器電路與模組之研究與設計」,NSC 101-2221-E-151-046-,執行期間:101年8月1日至102年7月31日。
  2. 主持人,「高速串列鏈路內建自我測試技術之研究」,MOST 103-2221-E-151-006-,執行期間:103年8月1日至104年7月31日。
  3. 主持人,「高速串列鏈路晶片上訊號品質測試技術之研究」,MOST 105-2221-E-151-002-,執行期間:105年8月1日至106年7月31日。
  4. 主持人,「光纖聲波感測器陣列研製與聲源定位應用」,MOST 107-2637-E-992-011-,執行期間:107年8月1日至108年7月31日。
  5. 共同主持人,「多熱點偵測之溫度感應系統與延伸之可測試性技術(I)」,MOST 104-2221-E-151-035-,執行期間:104年8月1日至105年7月31日。
  6. 共同主持人,「多通道多模態面射型雷射及檢光器之高速400Gbps光收發模組關鍵性技術研究(1/3)」,MOST 104-2218-E-005-004-,執行期間:104年8月1日至105年7月31日。
  7. 共同主持人,「多通道多模態面射型雷射及檢光器之高速400Gbps光收發模組關鍵性技術研究(2/3)」,MOST 105-2218-E-005-003-,執行期間:105年8月1日至106年7月31日。
  8. 共同主持人,「多通道多模態面射型雷射及檢光器之高速400Gbps光收發模組關鍵性技術研究(3/3)」,MOST 106-2218-E-005-001-,執行期間:106年8月1日至107年7月31日。
  9. 共同主持人,「邁向新世代1.6兆位元矽光子平台光收發模組之研究(1/4)」,MOST 107-2218-E-992-304-,執行期間:107年8月1日至108年7月31日。
  10. 主持人(108/8/1-108/10/31),共同主持人(108/11/1-109/7/31),光纖聲波感測器陣列研製與聲源定位應用(II)(計畫經費640,000元),MOST 108-2637-E-992-009-,執行期間:108年8月1日至109年7月31日。
  11. 共同主持人,邁向新世代1.6兆位元矽光子平台光收發模組之研究(2/4),MOST 108-2218-E-992-302-,執行期間:108年8月1日至109年7月31日。
  12. 主持人,價創計畫:旋轉肌袖修補植入式感測器暨復健系統開發,Rehab Coach(計畫經費8,000,000元),MOST 108-2823-8-992-001-,執行期間:108年11月1日至109年6月30日。



  1. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, and C.-L. Chiu, “400-Gb/s optical transmitter and receiver modules for on-board interconnects using polymer waveguide arrays,” OSA Continuum, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 658-667, Oct. 2018. DOI: 10.1364/OSAC.1.000658.
  2. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, Z.-X. Su, C.-Y. Liao, and W. Wang, “Low-cost coaxial DFB LD transmitter optical subassembly for 25-Gb/s NRZ and 50-Gb/s PAM-4 transmissions,” IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 12, Iss. 5, pp. 233-238, Oct. 2018. DOI: 10.1049/iet-opt.2018.0027.
  3. H.-Y. Kao, Z.-X. Su, H.-S. Shih, Y.-C. Chi, C.-T. Tsai, H.-C. Kuo, C.-H. Wu, J.-J. Jou, T.-T. Shih, and G.-R. Lin*, “CWDM DFBLD transmitter module for 10-km inter-data center with single-channel 50-Gbit/s PAM-4 and 62-Gbit/s QAM-OFDM,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 703-711, Feb. 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2017.2777822.
  4. H.-Y. Kao, Y.-C. Chi, C.-T. Tsai, S.-F. Leong, C.-Y. Peng, H.-Y. Wang, J. J. Huang, J.-J. Jou, T.-T. Shih, H.-C. Kuo, W.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, and G.-R. Lin*, “Few-mode VCSEL chip for 100-Gb/s transmission over 100 m multimode fiber,” Photonics Research, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 507-515, Oct. 2017.
  5. C.-T. Tsai, C.-Y. Peng, Y.-C. Wu; S.-F. Leong, H.-Y. Kao, H.-Y. Wang, Y.-W. Chen, Z.-K. Weng, Y.-C. Chi, H.-C. Kuo, J.-J. Huang, T.-C. Lee, T.-T. Shih, J.-J. Jou, W.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, and G.-R. Lin*, “Multi-mode VCSEL chip with high-indium-density InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well pairs for QAM-OFDM in multi-mode fiber,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 4, p. 2400608, Aug. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/JQE.2017.2703645.
  6. H.-Y. Kao, C.-T. Tsai, S.-F. Leong, C.-Y. Peng, Y.-C. Chi, J.-J. Huang, H.-C. Kuo, T.-T. Shih, J.-J. Jou, W.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, and G.-R. Lin*, “Comparison of single-/few-/multi-mode 850 nm VCSELs for optical OFDM transmission,” Optics Express, Vol. 25, No. 14, pp. 16347-16363, Jul. 2017. DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.016347.
  7. T.-T. Shih*, Y.-C. Chi, R.-N. Wang, C.-H. Wu, J.-J. Huang, J.-J. Jou, T.-C. Lee, H.-C. Kuo, G.-R. Lin, and W.-H. Cheng, “Efficient heat dissipation of uncooled 400-Gbps (16×25-Gbps) optical transceiver employing multimode VCSEL and PD arrays,” Scientific Reports, 7, 46608, Apr. 2017. DOI: 10.1038/srep46608.
  8. J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, C.-Y. Wu, and Z.-X. Su, “Low-cost TO-CAN package combined with flexible and hard printed circuit boards for 25-Gb/s optical subassembly modules,” Opt. Eng., Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 026108, Feb. 2017. DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.56.2.026108.
  9. T.-J. Su, S.-M. Wang, H.-Q. Vu, J.-J. Jou*, and C.-K. Sun, “Mean arterial pressure control system using model predictive control and particle swarm optimization,” Microsystem Technologies, Article first published online: 25 Nov. 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00542-016-3212-9.
  10. C.-L. Tseng, Y.-W. Lin, P.-J. Chiang*, and J.-J. Jou, “Homo-multilayer ITO films on PET substrates using roll-to-roll sputtering method,” Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 23-28, Nov. 2016. (EI)
  11. C.-L. Tseng*, Y.-W. Lin, P.-J. Chiang, Y.-T. Cheng, J.-J. Jou and C.-K. Liu, “Wavelength-adjustable all optical wavelength conversion using a tunable fiber laser and an electro-absorption modulator,” Optica Applicata, vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 347-352, 2016.
  12. T.-T. Shih, J.-J. Jou*, and S.-S. Chu, “Analysis of high frequency performance of TO-46 header through three-dimensional full wave electromagnetic model and circuit model,” Int. J. Numer. Model., Article first published online: 10 Jun. 2015, vol. 29, issue 2, pp. 301-308, Mar/Apr. 2016. (SCI/EI)
  13. T.-T. Shih*, C.-W. Yu, J.-J. Jou, and C. L. Chiu,Fundamental properties of localized surface plasmons of organic electro-optical devices doped with metallic nano-particles: a review,” Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 22-28, Mar. 2015. (EI)
  14. C.-W. Yu, C.-L. Chiu*, T.-T. Shih, and J.-J. Jou, “A stable and compact optical module for fiber-optic gyroscope application,” Fiber and Integrated Optics, vol. 33, pp. 306-314, 2014. (SCI/EI)


  1. J.-Y. Lai, J.-J. Jou, and T.-T. Shih, “25-Gb/s SFP28 LR optical transceiver modules with optimized via-hole design of multi-layer PCB,” in Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2018), Tainan, Taiwan, ID: 0072, Dec. 6-8, 2018.
  2. C.-H. Chang, G.-T. Lin, Y.-C. Lin, J.-J. Jou, and T.-T. Shih, “Design of 100-Gb/s SWDM optical transceiver module for short reach transmissions,” in Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2018), Tainan, Taiwan, ID: 0228, Dec. 6-8, 2018.
  3. C.-L. Chiu*, Y.-H. Liao, C.-Y. Lien, J.-J. Jou, B.-H. Liu, and S.-I Chu, “The output power of multimode waveguide coupler with the low-loss linear tapered waveguide is enhanced on a SOI chip,” in 2018 International Congress on Engineering and Information, Hokkaido, Japan, ICEAI-0108, May 1-4, 2018.
  4. C.-C. Peng, J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, and C.-L. Chiu, “High linearity transimpedance amplifier in 0.18-μm CMOS technology for 20-Gb/s PAM-4 receivers,” in International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2017), Seoul, Korea, A20170714-0131, Nov. 5-8, 2017.
  5. C.-H. Wu, J.-J. Jou*, H.-W. Ting, S.-I Chu, and B.-H. Liu, “Multi-channel multi-gigabit PRBS generator with a built-in clock in 0.18-μm CMOS technology,” in International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2017), Seoul, Korea, A20170714-0130, Nov. 5-8, 2017.
  6. C.-L. Chiu, Y.-H. Liao, J.-J. Jou, S.-I Chu, and C.-Y. Lien, “Analysis of dissipating heat substrate applied through glass via filled with various conductive materials,” in 2017 International Congress on Engineering and Information, Kyoto, Japan, ICEAI-0024, May 9-11, 2017.
  7. H.-Y. Kao, C.-T. Tsai, C.-Y. Peng, S.-F. Liang, Z.-K. Weng, Y.-C. Chi, H.-C. Kuo, J.-J. Huang, T.-C. Lee, T.-T. Shih, J.-J. Jou, W.-H. Cheng, C.-H. Wu, and G.-R. Lin*, “Few-mode 850-nm VCSEL chip with direct 16-QAM OFDM encoding at 80-Gbit/s for 100-m OM4 MMF link,” in 2017 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, California, USA, Th2A.38, March 19-23, 2017.
  8. C.-L. Chiu, R.-N. Wang, J.-J. Jou, T.-T. Shih*, “Design of printed circuit board with separate heat metal block for high-speed optical transceiver module,” in 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology (IMPACT 2016), Taipei, Taiwan, TW050-1, Oct. 26-28, 2016.
  9. Z.-X. Su, C.-Y. Wu, J.-J. Jou, T.-T. Shih*, “Analysis and design of connection between flexible PCB and hard PCB for 25 Gb/s optical subassembly module,” in 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology (IMPACT 2016), Taipei, Taiwan, TW045-1, Oct. 26-28, 2016.
  10. K.-L. Sie ,W. Wang ,J.-J. Jou, and T.-T. Shih*, “Optimized design of through-hole via in high-speed printed circuit board,” in 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology (IMPACT 2016), Taipei, Taiwan, TW049-1, Oct. 26-28, 2016.
  11. H.-J. Chen, J.-J. Jou*, and T.-T. Shih, “Design of pseudo-random bit sequence generator with adjustable sinusoidal jitter,” in International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2016), Jeju, Korea, pp. 263&264, Oct. 23-26, 2016.
  12. J.-Y. Li, J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, C.-L. Chiu, J.-C. Liou, and H.-W. Ting, “Design of 20-Gb/s four-level pulse amplitude modulation VCSEL driver in 90-nm CMOS technology,” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC 2016), Hong Kong, pp. 195-198, Aug. 3-5, 2016.
  13. Y.-C. Chen, J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, C.-L. Chiu, and J.-C. Liou, “Design of 10-Gb/s CMOS transimpedance amplifier with single-to-differential circuit,” in 2015 International Conference Optics & Photonics Taiwan (OPTIC 2015), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2015-SAT-P0202-P007, Dec. 4-6, 2015.
  14. W.-C. Li, F.-Y. Jiang, J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, C.-L. Chiu, and S.-I Chu, “Design of 5-Gb/s pseudo-random bit sequence generator and checker circuits in 0.18-μm CMOS technology,” in 2015 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2015 NST), Taoyuan, Taiwan, N1-4, Nov. 26-27, 2015.
  15. K.-H. Peng, J.-J. Jou*, T.-T. Shih, J.-C. Liou, and H.-W. Ting, “Design of 10-Gb/s 4-level pulse amplitude modulation vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode driver in 0.18-μm CMOS technology,” in 2015 National Symposium on Telecommunications (2015 NST), Taoyuan, Taiwan, A5-2, Nov. 26-27, 2015.
  16. R.-N. Wang, L.-W. Chen, J.-J. Jou, Y.-D. Wu, and T.-T. Shih*, “High frequency performance comparison among three kinds of board to wire connectors,” in Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 153-156, July 6-9, 2015.
  17. C.-Y. Wu, H.-L. Lin, J.-J. Jou, Y.-D. Wu, and T.-T. Shih*, “The optimized electrode between a SMPM connector and a microstrip for high frequency applications,” in Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 149-152, July 6-9, 2015.
  18. W. Wang, H.-L. Lin, J.-J. Jou, Y.-D. Wu, and T.-T. Shih*, “Design of evaluation board with a built-in 25 Gb/s PRBS source for testing high-frequency probe,” in Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 145-148, July 6-9, 2015.






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  5. 周肇基、劉政光、張桓嘉,「可接收無線訊號之被動光學網路傳輸系統」,中華民國發明專利,發明第I416884號,專利權期間:2013年11月21日至2028年9月3日。
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  7. 刘政光、李三良、曾志隆、周肇基、林淑娟,「可调式掺稀土族元素光纤激光光源的双向传输网络装置」,中华人民共和国实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 2008 2 0179601. 3,专利权期间:2009年09月02日至2018年11月27日。
  8. 劉政光、李三良、曾志隆、周肇基、林淑娟,「基於可調式摻稀土族元素光纖雷射光源之雙向傳輸網路裝置」,中華民國新型專利,新型第M347761號,專利權期間:2008年12月21日至2018年08月21日。
  9. 劉政光、周肇基,「以等效電路描述摻鉺光纖放大器特性之方法」,中華民國發明專利,發明第196529號,專利權期間:2004年1月21日至2023年1月9日。